1-90 Guide To Runes! (New Legendary Achievement) (2024)

Head Enchants
Sniper - Crimson Trial, Century Trial
Ancient Soul - Soulmor Falls DGN, Federal Armory DGN
Concentration - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1
Titan - Roger Partial Enchant 1

Body Enchants
Iron Wall - Crimson Trial, Eroda Trial
Healing - Soulmor Falls DGN, Manor DGN
Steel Blade - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1
Anti-Devil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1

Waist Enchants
Ice Flame - Eroda Trial, Manor Trial
Nature - Vortek DGN, Manor DGN
Chaos - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1
Purification - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1

Hand Enchants
Beast Blood - Morticora Trial, Manor Trial
Tree Soul - Vortek DGN, Basel Border DGN
Broken Shell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1
Blessing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1

Leg Enchants
Gale - Morticora Trial, Century Trial
Hide - Federal Armory DGN, Basel Border DGN
Cloud Shadow - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1
God Healing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1

(Decay Swamp/Highland)

1-Hand Weapon Enchants
Violence - Dirty Armor Box (Decay Swamp)
Devil Soul - Adventurer Armor Box(Decay Swamp)
Essence - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1
Blood Kiss - Doom Armor Box (Decay Swamp)
Crazy Devil - Heirloom Armor Box (Highlands)
Beast - Asbee Chest/Vase from maps Decay Swamp, Highlands, Cyclone Basin, Viper's Forest

Off-Hand Enchants
Shield - Ancient Magic Armor Box(Highlands)
Ox - Asbee Chest/Vase from maps Decay Swamp, Highlands, Cyclone Basin, Viper's Forest
Streamer - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1

2-Hand Weapon Enchants
Gun - Hero Soul Armor Box(Highlands)
Purgatory - Asbee Chest/Vase from maps Decay Swamp, Highlands, Cyclone Basin, Viper's Forest
Frozen Soil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1
Instant Spell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest 1
Dementor - Asbee Chest/Vase from maps Decay Swamp, Highlands, Cyclone Basin, Viper's Forest

Level 2 Enchants -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Head Enchants
Sniper - Slain Trial, Malice Palice Trial
Ancient Soul - Colossal Cauldron DGN, Windsnap Lair DGN
Concentration - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II
Titan - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II

Body Enchants
Iron Wall - Malice Palace Trial, Branda Root Trial
Healing -Windsnap Lair DGN, Skleros's Ice Abyss DGN
Steel Blade - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II
Anti-Devil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II

Waist Enchants
Ice Flame - Malice Palace Trial, Branda Root Trial
Nature - Colossal Cauldron DGN, Sturmfrau DGN
Chaos - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II
Purification - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II

Hand Enchants
Beast Blood - Slain Trial, Mayor's Dream Trial
Tree Soul - Sturmfrau DGN, Skleros's Ice Abyss DGN
Broken Shell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II
Blessing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II

Leg Enchants
Gale - Slain Trial, Mayor's Dream Trial
Hide - Sturmfrau DGN, Windsnap Lair DGN
Cloud Shadow - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II
God Healing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II

(Witchcraft/Shiver Peak)

1-Hand Weapon Enchants
Violence - Steel Armor Box (Witchcraft Forest)
Devil Soul - Sealed Armor Box(Witchcraft Forest)
Essence - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II
Blood Kiss - Crystal Armor Box(Witchcraft Forest)
Crazy Devil - Frozen Earth Armor Box (Shiver Peak)
Beast - Asbee Chest/Vase from maps Witchcraft Forest, Gemsis Ridge, Shiver Peak

Off-Hand Enchants
Shield - Emerald Thorn Armor Box(Shiver Peak)
Ox - Asbee Chest/Vase from maps Witchcraft Forest, Gemsis Ridge, Shiver Peak
Streamer - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II

2-Hand Weapon Enchants
Gun - Permafrost Armor Box(Shiver Peak)
Purgatory - Asbee Chest/Vase from maps Witchcraft Forest, Gemsis Ridge, Shiver Peak
Frozen Soil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II
Instant Spell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest II
Dementor - Asbee Chest/Vase from maps Witchcraft Forest, Gemsis Ridge, Shiver Peak

Level 3 Enchants -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Head Enchants.

Sniper - Lv70 Trials
Ancient Soul - Tempest Cliff DGNs
Concentration - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III
Titan - Roger Partial Enchant III

Body Enchants.
Iron Wall - Lv70 Trials
Healing - Tempest Cliff DGNs
Steel Blade - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III
Anti-Devil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III

Waist Enchants.
Ice Flame - Lv70 Trials
Nature - Drake?(Rage Cape),.Legion Elite Treasure Chest
Chaos - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III
Purification - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III

Hand Enchants.
Beast Blood - Lv70 Trials
Tree Soul - Tempest Cliff DGNs
Broken Shell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III
Blessing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III

Leg Enchants.
Gale - Lv70 Trials
Hide - Tempest Cliff DGNs
Cloud Shadow - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III
God Healing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III

1-Hand Weapon Enchants.
1H: Violence - Sealed With A Curse Armor Box (Death Valley)
1H Devil Soul - Not To Scale Armor Box (Death Valley)
1H - Essence - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III
1H- Blood Kiss - Beastly Burden Armor Box(Death Valley)
1H: Crazy Devil - Jade Seal Armor Box (Tempest Cliff)
1H: Beast - Death Valley/Eyebloom Plains/Tempest Cliff Vases/Chests

Off-Hand Enchants.
Shield - Shattered Flower Armor Box(Tempest Cliff)
Ox - Death Valley/Eyebloom Plains/Tempest Cliff Vases/Chests
Streamer - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III

2-Hand Weapon Enchants.
Gun - Chained Lock Armor Box(Tempest Cliff)
Purgatory - Death Valley/Eyebloom Plains/Tempest Cliff Vases/Chests
Frozen Soil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III
Instant Spell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest III
Dementor - Death Valley/Eyebloom Plains/Tempest Cliff Vases/Chests

Level 4 Enchants -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Head Enchants.
Sniper - Gristle Prison (Zoet), Century Abyss (Kaban), Windsnap Lair (Torbado)
Ancient Soul - Rose Temple(Kumar), Vilespire Temple(Manipulated Spirit Ruina)
Concentration - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV
Titan - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV

Body Enchants.
Iron Wall - Gristle Prison (Oth), Windsnap Lair (Gazina). Colo (Musaja)
Healing - Uncharted Cave (Frost Watcher),
Steel Blade - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV
Anti-Devil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV

Waist Enchants.
Ice Flame - Gristle Prison (Dascha), Century Abyss (Newgage), Windsnap Lair (Dostiv)
Nature - Uncharted Cave(Cruel Ulysses), Vilespire Temple (Caldari/Toroto The 3rd)
Chaos - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV
Purification - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV

Hand Enchants.
Beast Blood - Colo (Spenja), Century Abyss (Fanning), Windsnap Lair (Bomon)
Tree Soul - Uncharted Cave (Specimen#4), Rose Temple(Aurora)
Broken Shell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV
Blessing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV

Leg Enchants.
Gale - Gristle Prison (Bayin), Colo (Yuhidor)
Hide - Rose Temple(Liarro), Vilespire Temple(High Priest Kinmo)
Cloud Shadow - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV
God Healing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV

1-Hand Weapon Enchants.
1H: Violence - Ancient Hard Shell Armor Box (Searing Valley)
1H: Devil Soul - Cocoon Armor Box -(Searing Valley)
1H: Essence - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV
1H: Blood Kiss - Spirit Armor Box(Searing Valley)
1H: Crazy Devil - Fiery Armor Box (Devastation Realm)
1H: Beast - Searing Valley, Sunrise Plains, DevastationRealm

Off-Hand Enchants.
Shield - Spiny Armor BoxDevastation Realm)
Ox - Searing Valley, Sunrise Plains, DevastationRealm
Streamer - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV

2-Hand Weapon Enchants.
Gun - Skeletal Armor BoxDevastation Realm)
Purgatory - Searing Valley, Sunrise Plains, DevastationRealm
Frozen Soil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV
Instant Spell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest IV
Dementor - Searing Valley, Sunrise Plains, DevastationRealm

Lv5 Enchants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Head Enchants.
Sniper - Lv80 Vilespire Temple(Kinmo), Rose Temple(Aurora), Guillotine (Moa), Rage Cape (Drake)
Ancient Soul - Eloise Plains/Durango Kingdom DGNs
Concentration - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V
Titan - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V

Body Enchants.
Iron Wall - Guillotine (Phillides). Rage Cape (Aquan)
Healing - Eloise Plains/Durango Kingdom DGNs
Steel Blade - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V
Anti-Devil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V

Waist Enchants.
Ice Flame - Guillotine (Gaddis)
Nature - Eloise Plains/Durango Kingdom DGNs
Chaos - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V
Purification - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V

Hand Enchants.
Beast Blood - Guillotine (HGK)
Tree Soul - Eloise Plains/Durango Kingdom DGNs
Broken Shell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V
Blessing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V

Leg Enchants.
Gale - Rage Cape (Balre), Vilespire Trial 2nd Boss
Hide - Eloise Plains/Durango Kingdom DGNs
Cloud Shadow - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V
God Healing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V

1-Hand Weapon Enchants.
1H: Violence - Aged Wood Armor Box (Eloise Plains)
1H: Devil Soul - Crusader Armor Box (Eloise Plains)
1H: Essence - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V
1H: Blood Kiss - Dragon Scale Armor Box (Eloise Plains)
1H: Crazy Devil - Light Prism Amor Box - (Durango Kingdom)
1H: Beast - Eloise Plain/Hayward Seavale/Durango Kingdom Vases/Chests

Off-Hand Enchants.
Shield - Amethysts Armor Box (Durango Kingdom)
Ox - Eloise Plain/Hayward Seavale/Durango Kingdom Vases/Chests
Streamer - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V

2-Hand Weapon Enchants.
Gun - Governor Armor Box (Durango Kingdom)
Purgatory - Eloise Plain/Hayward Seavale/Durango Kingdom Vases/Chests
Frozen Soil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V
Instant Spell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest V
Dementor - Eloise Plain/Hayward Seavale/Durango Kingdom Vases/Chests

Lv6 Enchants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Head Enchants.
Sniper - Lv85 Tranquil Hill Trial (Daisy), Uncharted Cave (Frost Watcher)
Ancient Soul - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha DGNs
Concentration - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI
Titan - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI

Body Enchants.
Iron Wall - Tranquil Hill (Zhoken), Uncharted Cave (Specimen #4)
Healing - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha DGNs
Steel Blade - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI
Anti-Devil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI

Waist Enchants.
Ice Flame - Tranquil Hill (Ouphie), Uncharted Cave (Ulysses)
Nature - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha DGNs
Chaos - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI
Purification - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI

Hand Enchants.
Beast Blood - Uncharted Cave (Darphynius)
Tree Soul - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha DGNs
Broken Shell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI
Blessing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI

Leg Enchants.
Gale - Lv85 Tranquil Hill (Papineau)
Hide - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha DGNs
Cloud Shadow - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI
God Healing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI

1-Hand Weapon Enchants.
1H: Violence - Stone Armor Box (Ethereal Dome)
1H: Devil Soul - Soulwood Armor Box(Ethereal Dome)
1H: Essence - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI
1H: Blood Kiss - Springlife Armor Box(Ethereal Dome)
1H: Crazy Devil - Refined Armor Box (Meeryasha)
1H: Beast - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha Vases/Chests

Off-Hand Enchants.
Shield - Powergrid Armor Box(Meeryasha)
Ox - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha Vases/Chests
Streamer - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI

2-Hand Weapon Enchants.
Gun - Allowed Armor Box(Meeryasha)
Purgatory - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha Vases/Chests
Frozen Soil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI
Instant Spell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VI
Dementor - Ethereal/Iceflame/Meeryasha Vases/Chests

Lv7 Enchants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Head Enchants.
Sniper - Moloch(SFF),Undinian(SSF),Misc DoDs (P)
Ancient Soul - Marstallo (Allolands Solo), Eunice (Batelo Valley)
Concentration - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII
Titan - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII

Body Enchants.
Iron Wall - Adramelech(SFF),Jinnie(SFF),Misc DoDs (P)
Healing - Benosaph (Batelo Valley)
Steel Blade - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII
Anti-Devil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII

Waist Enchants.
Ice Flame - Baalim(SFF),Eurynome(SFF), Misc DoDs (P)
Nature - Angry Farhoss (Allolands Solo).
Chaos - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII
Purification - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII

Hand Enchants.
Beast Blood - Shaid(SFF),Drynad(SFF),Misc DoDs (P)
Tree Soul - Nelwolfe (Allolands Solo)
Broken Shell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII
Blessing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII

Leg Enchants.
Gale - Salamand(SFF),Moss Demar(SFF),Misc DoDs (P)
Hide - Spencer (Allolands Solo)
Cloud Shadow - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII
God Healing - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII

1-Hand Weapon Enchants.
1H: Violence - Misc DoDs (S)
1H: Devil Soul - Misc DoDs (S)
1H: Essence - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII
1H: Blood Kiss - Misc DoDs (S)
1H: Crazy Devil - Misc DoDs (S)
1H: Beast - Mayland/Shaxia Basin Vases/Chests

Off-Hand Enchants.
Shield - Misc DoDs (S)
Ox - Mayland/Shaxia Basin Vases/Chests
Streamer - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII

2-Hand Weapon Enchants.
Gun - Misc DoDs (S)
Purgatory - Mayland/Shaxia Basin Vases/Chests
Frozen Soil - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII
Instant Spell - Roger Partial Enchant Formula Chest VII
Dementor - Mayland/Shaxia Basin Vases/Chests

Some places I may not remember too well, sorry about that. As far as not writing down every single level 70 trial and S trial that enchants are in, it's because there's too many multiples repeated, so just go farm until you get then go to the next one. Same with DoDs.
1-90 Guide To Runes! (New Legendary Achievement) (1)PS: (S) = Solo mode. (P) = Party mode.

Edited by Nanami
Updating Drops, slowly~

1-90 Guide To Runes! (New Legendary Achievement) (2024)
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