l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (2024)

l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (1)



McKfe, of 13 Enatman45„- l'.,«f«J'#81 years, dropped dsad

-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*ymiirnlifg; alioat nine o'clock, «hjle atp oclock, Whilwork lA the Grau liver; jtahle onUnion a tenue. H!a birty was notfound ui til1 noei, when—»oifie"team

[_aiers cafta In for luneb. Dr. Thoa~ J

Born Diplomat-«<KH1 moraine madamwlo« • polish for clean|n'superior to anything now

«et and the price Is only

•r~™»~*' " u " i want it

7 r 7 T kt o ha*/0"««^w«i

but I thought perhaps theor waa mistaken.fr--What did she say)-She said I need notme calling BerefHw ,o u

•t -Tha} Impudent thing ia doien boxes,

irlous Chars* / .*om appearances, sh«eeo a female prizefighter,r »ee erbout gltUn' a dl-•aid, aa she entered tho

ftTonndsr asked the at-

tfll.tjr," aha answeredwont light wld niel"

iorrls, ;if polpii aVenuB,. was calledr.iirand p: __JI as heat jxhaustlon,and said that Mel| Ken had besti dead about threa hours

Mr. tlcKee had beVnn resident ofCrariford: for Unany years and haiworked aronrtd town doing stablework mo t of me - time. His real-dene J m i In th«\ JahA block,;*, and heis mrsivsd by a\wlfe.

i oay ana night Mar Iy o n iOr piTi-owitT-t—"*——Four hopes would be'In

o you really mean that)Certainly. ' The tnun I


ChaileiW, Stratton. aired 63 yearsMjed Su uWevenlnc, at his hom*o In

.lar-em.ontj piiico, He fa suryyed <by^ father, |tflHlam A.* Sttnltpn, of

1 Fiiat pie'c.-, Urmiklyn, a widow,i.a iiau||i^er, 'Mra Paul N'ckjraon,-

" s CharleB Nickerson,

i member of the..._ T_.. . .-.._„ - M the Cfarifordp.'- B«. wasv ,effl Bed In the|book manufnctufln»\huslne«sI York Cttyr, aridxha<%8en a

^Cravnfoi'rt for -.twefl

tvRsi" wereTeld ylLRtJila-JateJiotrui:,

; Rev. Jolfn Edgrrlnlty Episcopal

\Ipterii>«nt'yia»;, . . . y , Woslfleld.\ V ^ - - > . - : • • ; • • - . -

NARWtW ESCAPE ,Dr/J. L. Vail, the physician for

the; township of CranforijandLtbe.Boardof Education, of Cranford, bada narrow escape from sarlous Injuryon Tuesday tnorr.lng while attemptingto cross th« railroad: tracks at Lin-coln javenue. The doctor was on ssidetrack waiting for a freight trainto pass on the main line • hen aswitch engine pushed a train of parsalong' the side track, striking .theautomobile In which Dr. Vail wassitting. Owing to the rtolieof thofreight train, Dr.,Vail did not hesrthe other cars until they were almostupon him. '• Ma jump d just as (hecare struck, his auto and escaped witha few bruised. Ills car was almosta total wreck. ' •

[AN OUNCE OF PREVENTIONA bull~~dog created considerabl

excitement on Sunday ^vicinity of the fire houae. The dogsnapped and marled at everybody hemet. It was decided (hat the animalWas mad and the police, were notified.

Officer Hike Massa captured the.dog with a topo and took him to Hf«gas tank, whsre he was put to deathbefore any damage had been dope.

FQR AlfTO DRIVERSAt the request of Judge Batchelder

|of the local police court, (he follow-ing'law, la quoted:

TraHic Act, Laws of 1916, Part 2,t 0 " A h i l

. St. Paul's Church NotesRev. J. Edgar Washobaugh, Pastor». The pastor returns from his vaca-

tion tomorrow, : ;. •'*"Union services will be held with

the Presbyterian Church evury Sun-day morning; during the month ofAugust and tho •flrit Sunday.«f Sept-ember, the Urn tlireo Sunday mom-irgs'being In the Presbyterian Churchard the last.two Sunday', mornings inSt.. Paul's Church. All the Sundayevening service* will boPauls' Church. Rev.A.t.C<<A vehicle turning j n ' , o « » . £ . Church. Rev/. J. E( |K.r

another load to the left, shall before ""•n 'b"uBn w f " prench at all. the

yheld in St.J. Edgar

BUTTON-JHALEMinn EIJa CritU«l*n H«le^u-«u-

ter cf MrT iinVl Hr.^ Kaiird WarrenHsle. of Cranford avenue, and MajorIT. Scott Bnltop, or Sehaneetady,Vrere married on. Monday July '30th,|n Trinity Church, the Her. John

iflieiatirj;. Owing to ill-•h* farcily. Dogueats were, „,„., w ,After a abort wedding-trip [border.Oeorg*. Major Button will | Now that iff


the Second N. Y. Infantry,WIC, N. Y., In which hs haa earn,mini) of Ihe "first batulion.

turning; pa«» whenvpaMabia to the -servieea^Mt Sabbilh will be a).and beyond th? center of foilowa • •

the inlersaclion of the two ronds." Slkhb^b S c h o o , „, jj .4S „ M ;

v "ALONE AT I.AST' -,. One of tlip: most important book-

ings made for the Aborn season ofconicdi

.Morning worship at 11 o'clock inthe Presbyterian Church." " "Evenlrg worship at eight o'clock, InSt. Paul's M. K. Church.

AaiMlJllllkal comedy..arCT Tmnglon, is that '^ Hie -Alunih of

j g g K - f . - N J-erfbrmapc j P^BmRiAN CHURCHl"mnie.weelc of Augtis* inl i , l - e v > G- F< Greene, D.U., Paalor

•tuiijeiischinidt of 47\ y i d yesten'ay

following al i M


> ^ « t - o f Aogn»» .3th.n proilttctioii nt Olympic "Sunday Sch&i, 9:45 a.m.' '

Sumliiy iiinrnliiip tetvfee 11 o'cloclc.


6kr"of" ralysiis."

Wfranjr fifelMtlerM'rvaUodH.they -i probably IBly thai^thlsleartli |s||let it c» at that"

e r w ^ r a f n T ^ Cfitn-

Ladles1 Aid Society of St, mwtirigortlinpxecutiwcoinmlttwiofPaul's Church, held their weekly tl.i-Cninf.iril Homi., (Jiird.m

[social tea at (he horns of Mra.c; T. °" M o n t l a l '

ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEDTha engagement haa been snnounc-

ed of Miss Mirjas. Edith Towl.datuehter of- Mr. and'Mra. Burr Act-ley Tun I, of Hampton street, to Sec-ond Lieulanaht Kenneth Pickens Cul-bfljrt. M. C. R , fon of Mr. and Mr*.Wpiiidin lleory Culbert, of East Or-ange. Miss T«»l is a aeriior at Wel-tfllley College, and Liruten.nt Cul-b«fl it n graduatA ef Harvard,. Class«f 1!>I7. He w i l l member of I).Kl E. Institute of 1770, Haaty Pud-diag. Stylus. Memorial -Signet andPhoenix Clubs. '

MUSICAL msrmuikENTs_WAKraDLK3« SOLDIERSAlmost from.the- beg mlng of the

arar musical inatrumen s of varioussorts have been, sent jto he trenchrs

I and hava. been a source of . pleasure<nd invaluable diversion1 to the men.

This was no less true of our ownmen while serving on the Mexican

_ ._ mtny 'of our youngmen are to be gathered Into greatcamps the) appeal haa been-mads forp pp msimilar gifts for their use. ,instruments need ' n o t . b e new


maodollns, banjosare most desired.

aidand harmonietaMusic too', willi l l

Wbea Fotd Keett VotiTwo Ford toari pgeafi figured In f

•head-on collision in E. North avanos,near th« roandhoaw on Sstardaynight. Both ears wsr« owned byNawarkera, Shoaa- names could notbe ascertained. Tea ears ware badlywrecked and were taken to Sea'sGarage for.repairs. • . ' '. .

In one car waa a woman and thrse)men, and in tha other a man, hiswife and two children. The occu-pants of each car were slightly ''cdtby broken glass from tha wlndanielda.

All of the parties wera Ittllans.

MIHH Anitii S<i-f of Spriiigllf-lil mwiUP i* mi a rnrtition nl Ktirniiiifpliilf.


^y'se^!r'especiaIi"y'O~plesWof IN HONOR OF CAPT. HAYESpopular songs most of which are Mrs. F: St. John Richards, of 16found in very Inexpensive editions, Norman place, gavs a supper 00and there are many old favarit/ajtoo Monday night to twelve guests inthat would b« welcome. . "honor of Captain and Mrs. Wada

This appeal has coma to both the Hayes. wh» left today for Washington.Wednesday Morning Club and tho Those pretnnt wsre: Mr. and Mrs. .;Village Improvement ' Association Wade Hayes, Mr. and Mrs, ,L. C.from the MUKIC Departtnrnt of the Dllk», Mr. and Mrs. ft. J. Chapin,Sute- Federation with the approval fir. and Mrs. George H, Bates, Mr,!,of Adjutant Gen. Barber. The Clubs Waterhouse, Mr, R:C. Millar,are co-operating In thla matter, and .; ,;, ' ' • • • ' ' -;

it bais been put in tho hands of theMusid Chairman of each Club. Any- Th e Cranford Branch of ths Rsd_one who ia interested or wishes to Cross shipped a big cats of gauis ar- ,help in any way can communicate tides to headquartera in Waahlngton,wlfh either of these ladltsT Mrs. J. Tuesday, In rsaponsa. to a talegram

articles wars urgentlyPotter. 103 Miln street, (Tel.) ; Mre. A. L. Johnson, -20

w " r b eI fprdforUlilrty jjears, the last three I ued .- , . . _nnr." ;\" "'";ofwhfch he.Mid the position :«flW ' " tha m o n l h °« August.

I the TJOPPLY TILTS Tea Room1 and Gift Shop'of W«tf«Id

Clifford Schultf, of Burnslde av-enue. Is. In Newport, R. I., on aGovernment training ship where heia preparing to enter the service asa third-class fireman. His term eftraining Is almost up and he ' expectstu go to France on a transport Jpabout a month's time.

i member of. the Elbuibeth Waeaer- week, to uhdereo sn ui»P.tin n t.A •member of. the Elizabeth Maener-clior and tlie-Granford RepublicanClub.

Mr. Kiililenscliniidt' is survivedby a wife and .six children. Thechildren ttre, Mrs: Krnuk Neilson,Harry, Edward; Helen, Anna,and Clara; also by two grand-cliil-

.d.r.eji, _, Mf^,.XuMeuscliniidt- had awide circle^pf friends in this placeand nearby towns. .;.•••' . '

Arrangements for the funeralhave not as yet been made.' '

aa iaktn to New York hospital lastweek, to undergo an operation for T — • = - =

bone pressure upon tho skull. He Telephone 157-Jwas accompanied by his parent! andwas accompanied by his parent! and |Dr. Agnes Usjlng.

First Church of Christ ScientistCor. Miln* St. it Springfield Avb. CraniordService Sunday niorninK, 11 o'clock.

Sunday School, 10 a. m.Wednesday evening testimonial meeting,

H o'clock.Reading room, Clmrch edifice, njien dally

except Snndays nnd legal holidays,10 tola a. in.


'J he Cranford BusinessAssociation will bold theiri uting to Coney Jilaiid. next Thurs-day. All the stores in Cranford willbe closed in tine to enable the pro-prietors and thoir clerks to catch theten o'clock express for New York.

Better join the crowd, all the restare. going.


Aycnue.W,' T Cranford. N .J

We--win REMODEL,JIELINE orRBPAIRYottr Purs Now atSummer Prices.

SUiHMER FURSMade to Order for

than Ready-Made. , ,. - .-•• . • • . " ••;;-••' -. - \ -, I *«rwatfch , ' : ant | . s o m e j e w s l r y .

D%4f| i41 r iu - ; - •;eL,."'t5«_.i.- * ' • » • ' theiunwslconw, visitor

V Eastman Su, Oanford

y, Ithat these'needed.

f orlrrIK)AU1» OF CIIOHEN FItlCeil


Thursday evening of last week athief pried open the rear doorcfFrank pick's house on E. Northavenue kni helped Jiimaclf to a sil-

d Nowas

OFUNION C VAn lidiouriieU nw«tlnaT of th« Board ofhom.n rrrrhulilfn or Onion County, waa

MI Tliurulay, July lilh, 1*17, at. in

An liChom.nlii'lil

in.x'rv rreMM. IK; Aba<*nt 3.

i.'UMMUMCATIONtl, CimmiunUallunn from N. J.

n 0 rcgunlliK r l UIloaid otrrglii* on> h l !

-Sure I Didn't I catch

and Now.ro we daily hearl'oman bold.Worn hear a word-nttlnt old. •• •

t Are Others.lea tells me he U»et'

that's right. Bek poetry,t kind of poetry U

dnd that never falls

IrisurUng.<d to alias Peacherr1 treated me like a

did aha dort down on my knees-fingers end said:-

I to Weree.00 ever try one of•1th Unto for your

; but it faUed tocept-me awake try-[ bad to do next

ifesslon.Qss Browning in?•Ir; bat aha I* e*

ALEX BENCSKElectrician

' Repairing pt all kinds.Estimates furnished.

Teleohoiw-301-W PIKR'S STORE

GEOl GE J. BECKER -ino and Organ Expert

Old'.'instruSmeiits made;; like HewRxpert' twnrtg. '•'-. -Player-pianos

I " repiireit^llligbcst. references, ;

SLOWER SHOP j-CUT FLOWERS^FLOR A t l^lBNS^rVlI i i i srT — ^ - - i n - . . - . V-.'.; ;/ ."-«:; '••'y./. .:and-.-^|-

•'Season.-+i;::'>^isipeclalty^'I>'^': Ferns;'

Mr. and Mra. George P.-"TBylorand family, of 2 Berkeley plac>,haye If ft for Like Sunapee, N .H. ,wh re they have a coitage.

Mrs C. W. Tripp.'and daughters,"of 5 Berkeley place, returned -on Sun->day from Point Pleasant, where theyspent the month of July.


First Class Work at. Reasonable\ Prices. . . . .

Bucholz & Schrotdtr. 150 Elm St.

Tel; 435-J CranfordrNrj.T

TnK .'1275 Uulyr in ittondance

f T? TI M *5 F 1 Hlnillc lIoMefr. Abdo-Arch. Supportii, CrulcheN. K . . .225 BROAD STKKItT, N e a r Railroad Statjoii


N A I R N S L I N O L E U M Now don't Ihallook Clean and hvi<lH,?

wnr. -cnlnt t discover*1

t last winter-




Until Septei*e|'libcl ewept July 4thViaNewJerely Centralud IWtoalivirOav'Une Steamer

YOUR Kitchen or Bath Room can lookthe same. Made from ' ' , , •

CORK and Pure c*ms "" r Not SnwJutt anil, Coal Tar

• Let us give You an:estimate, laid on yourfloor. Have you seen Battleship Quality ?

~'Z'--:^--:'irs:EVEiiUsfiN<i.?:^;';: '

PICTURE:FRAMING'Tally Cards \;, Dance Cards

'-*—»--.,'•••• T « I « * > l » o :'a»».'9 :i.f'. •:..'<'•-•••••'• •

Mrs. Gilbart Mead- and daughter,of 411 Springfield avenue, left yes-terday for A sbury Park,-where theyexpect to remain over tho week-end.

_ The Epworth .'Leauges of Cranfordwill join with tho Epworth Leagueiof Elizabeth, in conducting, an excur-sion to Asbury Park on August 11th.alias Sehfndlar and Lyman Lovelandare the focal members of the com-mittes of arrangements. '

Cuiuniffn-o, regorilliiB' rlparfanMCWM Ciwk, nlrrt'il to • fr««hol<UrKruiwii. ICuxliieer anil County Attorney.

Prom Hum. Highway Communion I n n -Kanl lo lluuti-j No. 6. and 12 rccelirdlanil Illed. : ••- . •--,;•

Ki-uiii • Jcultfn J&nie* C. Connolly Hslaa;ililrli-" for .M»Klal«r'« Oltk-e. ric«lv*d

and itl«d. . :Krc.in ' Union TuWtuhlp Conimltlca n -

lunntins; permUdon for aldswalk raftrndID Itaad Cocniiilltvi) *nU Knaincer.

I COMMITTKK REPORTSCoihmltlea on culvtrt Ni "

Marline av»nlMi, Kuiwot iiontr»ct to A,

Hunter nv*nu«.Fanwood.'CTnitrmci am

[Jr., tr.iii.04 and 14*7.00. .; i'Culvert, Wklnut ilre«t, Itowlle, award'

«r contract to Amllo Buonnjuifto, ttlO.M.t'ulverl No/th avenua and Union «v-

i>nu».. WatfMd. Kmll J. Bhu»t»r, UH.O*:Culvprtu- In WmtQald award contract

Tony! Canyone, IU0.00. , . .flunking Bummer 8tr«ct Bridge, Ellaa- •

Iwlli, uwanl contract W. A. Col», IIU.M.Hrldtie Hummlt avenue, Hummlt, U A.

Oaken. $625.00. : .Itoatl Committee rppalni (o _W«Mlll«ld

v»,..,.. c»..>—-y.-colonui ro»d, Rmhmty.Hummlt, 8prlnsfl«ld »v-

t North av*riu*«od :'->,m

nvcnui-Mnvcnui, luiliwuMnrrln Kvi-nuc.eniin N w 1'

Classified Advertisem*nts




Furnished room, suitable for two, withor without board; 10 Seventh street.

Large comfortable room, modern con-veniences, suitable for two, private fam-

-t-~- .: lily, quiet. Single | j . per week; with twoThe health of the family4*5-i*r *«t- ingnir«»/eveiiing», top

_„>'> .-;-.t ••••'. . . . . • f. I apartment; 10 North avenue W e s t .

~ - — Inquire

Nrw I'rovldenre, and Mountain av-Muuntulnalde. •

RESOLUTIONS •A|i|K)ltilln« Stephen T. Con Ion, «t«n- '

OKruphtT, and John ft. WTuwler, rod man,in Cininty Knglneer'n ofllce. - "

Krfeholdcm Ochrlng. Apptecate andduly Committee on Hrldge Mapl* Street,

-rn Krouwv Brokaw, and Jon«».ConimlUi-e: on culvert, Summll irniua,

Oiuilrl A. I*alladlno appointed Inspectoron lirlclB^B, Union and Sprlnsfleld. '

KriKlnwr riouer authorluil to emploraddtlional help. .

Improvement of Mountain avenu*,.Mountalpsldft and Sprlnsfleld recommend'ed by rond committee. ' • ..


. ,' • . .- . .- . . . ' apartment; 10 North avenue Wed e m a n d s p u r e m i l k alKJVc a l l Room in Chronicle building.things,-abs6lutely. Our Dai- »t Chicle office.ry. supplies you with milk 'FOR M WihH e r M m •Ji^» Ic r'.AW-mA Piano player, can be nsed, on any piatoand cream that IS rich 3nd 55roll.rtfrauiicand bench. NoVeMou-pure. We .stand for pure ^"^roticTebnVe"by apl)Ointiaenl

milk,/prompt and "^efficientservice, and pjpular.-. prices.


OTE. North Ave.


PHOTOGRAPHSWE INVITE YOlT TO CAlh andinspect oar new styles-of photographs.S p e c i a l p r i c e s ' . : , ' • • ' . ' . < • • • ' • • • '

Banmaan's Photo Studio, Broad streetand Central avenue, Westfield.- Workhigh class. Tel. 3J1-J -


take Hopatcong $ r.50NE3CT SUNDAY

I>ea>e Ctanford SdS; WeatOeld ».-0S aaj.aU daU«



"' ••- --.".-" -=.-".:"";The Migiilne on.the;5crien—Clnrer'":-.!'-Ci;hTt«^y-I>wc^D»ltc^m~FUnKortheYukoo'*-7r«i

:;""" •••-:SKAy»m^;:^Vengean0Bl:'-^;'--'-" " '' :'

...-,,.,- ,.....,. .,...^HeaittPaliie^Sta-AnrSlic^All&^iS^plM^«y a^:»'*^«a*IHifflOiia^He| fconXwWgWJ «>^Sf^f5f ?

• var-^-srfa«My[.. JVsirilW n P t y ^r*^""-? ~^\-'j ••* V wsBsjsjr OsFi'JIlsWiClsBv \MMf^,i^wfW0^''''-

dfcfarffaTT«PrMMafuiac oo.lae

BejdeBmfaaiefa'TlK- His Otasaal Canrr

pi*Tsatif n

reCnuironia:4)W«taeldS.-4Sa.Bi Baaieole»11 d»t» :•: x< ; /


, . * • • .


l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (2)


Midwelis Says Allies Are Seek*lag Conquest and. CzerninDrgesNonorable End of War


Statements Blaming Centlnaanet. of War on Entanta Desire for

Conquest—French 8scr*tDebate.

Berlin.—For the first time In rafnyweeks the Imperial German Chancel-lor and (he Autlro-Hungarian ForeignMinister summoned the newspapercorrespondent* and each spoke free-ly and at lenctb on Uielr conceptionof tbe alms' of the Entente Alliesand the alms of MM Central Powersregarding the termination of tbe war.

It-la an Incident of striking signifi-cance that these Interviews are .givenpublicity simultaneously and that they

' agree In tbe statements that the Cen-tral Powers will consent to a peacewithout conquest, but otherwise willtight to the last.

Dr. George Mlcbsells, the GermanImperial Chancellor, made the follow-

' Ing declaration: •"The speech of David Lloyd George,

• the British Premier, at Queens, Hall.London, and the recent debate In theBritish House of Commons'-again«a?e proved with Indisputable clear-ness that Great Britain does not"do-

'sire peace by agreement and under-standing,'imt only a conclusion of.the.war which the enslavement of Ger-many to 'the arbitrary violence olour enemies.'


London.—According to a fteuterdespatch from Zurich, Msthlas En-

Peace On/y When 'f-^'^V-' t Germany is Beaten

WASHINOTON.—"When Germany, acknowledging - Us . militarybroken, asks tbe Entente and the United States for their

peace terms the peace talk from Berlin and Vienna will be given arespectful hearing, fio long; as Berlin speaks of peace terms sheIs forced to accept the discussion of peace' will not be permitted toenter Into the councils of the United States and the Entente,"

This statement summarises, authoritatively the present positionof the nations championing the cause of democracy against Prus-sian militarism. It is not subject to change.

Interviews given'out by the German Imperial Chancellor andby the Austro-Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs advocating invague terms peace by understanding, and accusing' the EntenteAllies of-intending to prosecute a war of conquest are regarded bytbe Administration simply In the light of another familiar diplomatictrick by the Teutonic Powers. Tbe State Department refuses flatlyto plsce the slightest faltb In this peace propaganda, and refuses

^ tv* accept the bait which Germany offers. The view's- held in En- .5 tente capitals harmonize with thjo views in; Washington,"' ' •* Secretary Lansing's - speech is' taken as a complete answer In .

stating that peace can come only when the united force of theworld's democracies bas overthrown the German military system.

The cardinal fact that Germany wants peace and needs peace ]bsdly Is admitted, but It is realized. tbst Berlin Is only Interested ;

r In a peace "made In-Gtrmany." so far as its terms are concerned."• Realizing that-such terms never will be entertslned by tbe Entente

and the. United States, the German Government Is- seeking simplyto use vsgue talk of peace as a means of quieting Its people at homeand causing If possible dissension .In the allied countries of the

-Entente, especially Russia.



Lustre-Germans Win Way Across theRiver Zbrocx and Pass ' GallelsnFrontier and Invade Bukowlna.

London.—Apparently the turn In thetide of retroat by tho Russians In EaBtGallcla Is beginning. On several sec-tors tho loyal troop's have halted andnow aro facing'the AustroOermanBand offorlng resistance na best theycan with their badly depleted forces

teUIll JtLOnot been successful In holding

to tbe Zuricher Nachrlchten:"If I could talk with Llovd Oeor—

(the British Prime Minister) or Mr.Balfoar (British Foreign Secretary) wecould In a few. hours reach an understanding which would enable officialpeace negotiations to commence."

Herr Erzberger. who bas taken" aprominent part with respect' to peacedaring the last months, asserts thatDr. Mlrhaells. the Imperial' GermanChancellor, la. a peace Chancellor.


Washington.—It Is Tory apparent' toobservers In Washington that theworld is in for another discussion of

' peace between the warring nations.Evidence Is accumulating that the agi-tation in Washington for .greater par-

'llamentary {freedom has stirred allthe well-knoSwn advocates' of bringingtbe war to,an end without delay, andgot them again to- hoping for an end-Ing of hostilities.

. Officials here -have become con-vinced that Germany now knows Itis- useless to ask her enemies to dis-cuss a peace that admits no punish-ment for German outrages againsthumanity, and will seek on every oc-casion to create tbe impression thatthe Allies.are bent on a war of con-quest, hoping by this means to keep

d i li

pserve to ehow that the spirit of loyaltyIs still alive In many or the men ofGeneral Kornlloff's contingents, andthat It Is not their purpose to sun-en-der further, terrain without a contest.

One of the main attempts of the Ruaslans to hold back the enemy has beenon the heights eaat of the RiverZbrocx, which flows along tba borderbetween Gallcla anddespite the resistance

Russia, butoffered they

qpeace discussion alive.

The staknents of Count Czernln.who speaks for Emperor Charles, carrythe impression that Austria-Hungaryis sincerely anxious to bring ahout aneadlr; or the war. on an; terms H canobtain from the Entente.


Medical Corps Also Will Require12O0O0 Enlisted Men.

Washington.—Fully 24,000 .of the0009* h•0.009

hington.—Fphysicians and surgeons in the

United State*. In addition, to 120.000enlistad s e a tor the Medical Corps,Win ba required for the United'States

' aumy, according to an announcementfrom the War Department This will

1 wean that approximately: one oat otevery four doctors of military age inthe country win be required for war

i service.


neral Issues Instructionsto Federal' Prosecutions.

••*" Wasnlngios. — Attorney Generalr Gregory sent instructions for the. rigorous prosecution of draft evader*

to all TAtltsd BUtes district attorneys.n o s e who tailed to register must be

-arrested, 'registered and prosecuted.When these, 'men are apprehended

- t o . adjutant-general of the Unitedi; States will assign to them any serial' maberjef t vacant through discharge: or lack of use in the slacker's district.


have been compelled by overwhelmingnumbers to cede ground to the. Austro-Germans who crossed th\e stream.i The 'Teutons also 'have" crossed the

Galtclan frontier and now are InvadingBukowlna by way of the Suchawa Val-ley, their immediate objectivo beingIhd town of Seletyn, while the forcethat recently was successful In Itsoperations against tho Russians In theregion of Kirllbaba has reached thflterritory lying to the east of the upperMoldova Valley.

Despite the activity of Germanspies, who aro -trying to create dis-affection in the Rumanian army, tbeRumanians and Russians fighting nearthe northwestern border of Rumaniacontinue to press forward In the Caslnand Putna valleys,. having capturedsix additional villages and added ma-terially to the aggregate of men madoprisoners and guns captured.; Fiftyof the Gorman .spins, disguised asRussian soldiers, are reported to haveboon caught and .shot.


.Thirty-eight- of Arladne's-Crew- LostWith Vessel.

L o n d o n . — The British cruiserAriadne, lof 11,000 tons, has been tor-pedoed and sunk, according to an offi-cial statement Issued by the BritishAdmiralty. Thirty-eight members ofthe Ariadne's crew, were Wiled by theexplosion. All the other sailors weresaved.

The Ariadne waatmllt in 1898. Shewaa 460 feet long, 69 feet beam and



Paris Conference Decides For With.drswal o f Troops Froth Parta

of Greece.'

Paris.—The Allied powers concludedtheir conference after announcing adecision to continue the war until- theobject for which Uicy. are fighting laattained.

Their declaration, which WEBunanimously bofore separating,lows:


"t)io Allied powets, more closely

down arms until theyh

attainedthe end which In their eyes dominatesall others; to render lmposiib:e a re-turn of the criminal aggression suchas that wherefor thebear the responsibility."

Thero was unanimous agreement onall decisions reached during the meet-ings. Tbe ministers of department*affected will meet In London to drawup the executive measure.

The Entente power, decided to with-draw their troops us coon pa possiblefrom ancient Greece, -Tbessaly andBplrus. I , , I ', ' •

Tho following announcement re-snorting the decision of tbe All'esconcerning Greek territory now oc-cupied by their, military, forces waspublished'. '_•

Franco, Oreat Britain ind Italy, si-multaneously and as soon as possible,will end the occupations they havoboon obliged to make In ancientGreece. Tlieasaly and Eplrup. Themilitary occupation of • the trlnngloformed by the Spntl Quaranta road andtho Eplrus frontier will' bo maintainedprovisionally as a measure of security,Italy and Greece to ugrco as regardsre-establishment of the civil adminis-tration under a commissioner appoint-ed by Greece, France, Great Britainand Italy will preserve during tho wara- naval and military bnso on the Isl-and of Corfu, the Island remainingunder the sovereignty of Greece.,


taker Submits Deficiency Esti-mates Aggregating $5,278,-



<Var Department's Estimate ContahrItems of t48»,000rf00 for M M . _ _

tary Information Sectionof GensrsrBtaff. ,

Washington. — Secretary ' of WarBaker sent to the House Committee>n Appropriations estimate for $5,917,178,347.98 additional war expenditures.

Secretary Baker asked deficiency•pproprlatloni of 1642,114,581 for theilgnal corps and the army.

The largest single request was for12,468,(13,000 for armament of fort!-Dcatlona. Engineer operations In thefield and tbe medical and hospitallepartments each asked for app'ropri-ttlons of $100,000,0000. The sum ofM8t.000.ODO is asked for "military In-formation of general "staff."

The Items In the war schedule are:Deficiencies: Office of the chief of

rtaff contingencies, military informa-tion section—general staff corps,1489,000.000.

Signal service of the nrnly-pcom-raercial telephone service at 'coast.f3.O0O.00O.

quartermaster's department: Pay,etc., of tho army, |711i,829.440: subsis-tence of the army, $329,673,218: regu-lar supplies, $1831)17,1)26;-Incidentalexpenses, $ll,010,7»9; transportationof the army and supplies, $450,490,305;water and sewers at military posts,$34,327,500; clothing and camp andgarrison equipage, $357,500,097; horsesfor cavalry, artillery and ongineers,$51^711,466; barracks and quarters,$82,118,000; shooting gallery andranges^. $6,104,640,-^ roadsrwharves ,and__ draft

nd repair of

JOYOUS MECCAReinforced Guard Necessary

on Encampment Reservation*'Because of Crowd


Cbarwd with driving anwo blok ith

Governor Edge Reviews Third R.gt-. ment, While Thousands of Admirers-

Cheer^-TwentyTnree Mbtoreyel.aPresented to the Headquarters.

iMIllvllle by State Motor ,„„—Trenton: [">»«« and fined $10 and costs

''* '


The. bodies of WeJter c. Melio, , .years old, and T>is cpusiL * 5 **Doake, - 15 - year," old. , h o * • " •drowns at PJtm.n ta 'Aic,0°n fl*were removed to tbe home of M.n 5father, Philip Melloy, P h n ^ fBoth Tlctlms llred at thedr. . , . Melloy. parent. idem^bodies. Th. mother was nearly

riing an autwo block, without a license,

J Richards, of Norms,Will b was

Vice, $1,825,000; ordnance stores, am*'munition, small arms, target practice,$2,000,000; ordnance stores and sup-plies, $70,OO0,O0O;; automatic machin-ery, rifles, $170,277,000; armored mo-tor cars, $21,750,000; armament of for-

The largest crowd ever seen' at6ea Girt swarmed, into the encamp-ment reservation Sunday, putting tbereinforced guard on their mettle andat times threatening to break the re-straint Imposed by. tbe military offi-cials. The first ceremony of the en-campment was the review of-the ThirdRegiment of Infantry, of Camden.'byGovernor Edge. -The troops werecheered as Colonel Landon Jed theregiment on parade.. Thousands linedtbe sides of the big space reservedfor the parade-.and auto .horns werehonked, voices cheered lustily as thecolors dipped and patriotic enthusiasmbroke out In noisy demonstration. Tbeparade was decided upon at a latehour, but It •would have been difficultfor more people to have squeezed intothe encampment reservation.

Parents andVfrlonds of the-soldiersfrom Camdop. Jersey City, * Newarkand other, places went down In tho*sands In special trains over the Penn-'sylvanla and the New Jersey Centra)roads.. Other thousands enmo In motor cars which were parked all overthe town of Sea. Girt, and which atseveral places threatened, to . blocktraffic. Extra details, of guardsmenwere posted to keep tbe crowd fromrushing the gentry lines and swarm-I t U t l t t V t f : —

new schoof

work of the Palmyra Red ^ H ZZ£

to bold back the crowds that startedto stampede the parade ground when

camps, $2,119,000; medical depart* Frank H. Stanton and Earl Bouthee.ment, hospital department, $100.028... of the Princeton Aviation Camp, were000; engineer department, engineer making a landing in their aeroplanesequipment of troops, $4,300,000; en- near, the Governor's cottage. Theglneer operations ln'fleld,~$100,000,000; mounted guards almost ran downordnance department,, ordnance ser- .women and men in the enforcement

tiflcatlons, $3,628,613,000; submarinemines, $700,0001;. prpvlng grounds, $3>000,000;V Frankford arsenal, Philadel-phia, $2,630,000; Rock Island arsenal.Rock Island, 111.. $1,645,000; terminalfacilities, $25,000,000, '



Jh».R«v..W^O».Kranlelslsa'-Prayer^of-tR«M)lts-brtn(f MgE"prlcisTKaiser Brutally Interpreted.

had a maximum draft of feet.Her complement consisted of 677- offi-cers and men. ' • "

Omaha, Neb.—The Rev., w . G.Kranleldes, Lutheran Qer nan pastor,of Rlverdale, Ne*>, lnterued by Fed-eral authorities as a dangerous alienenemy, was arrested on order of At-torney General Gregory He carriedOre arms and Is' accused of makingtreasonable utterances

During a debate on whether to prayor tbe KalW Krsnleldes urging

such prayers. William Grassmeyershouted "To hell with the Kaisar."This broke up the meeting. Later atnight Grassmeyer and his followerswent to the church and rsised anAmerican flag. .


Anitoancs. Navy OfficiallyTakes Over Great Liner.

% •Washington,—The American flagas ran ap on the crest steamer Vater-- * She Is ready for sea. It is estl-

I she can carry JOjOOO troops. 'Apfflcer and crew went aboard

l.the ensign and the navyi pennant "Tk* eosH>f re-

t j saaderstoodSUM.M0.' Tke

The Berlin Tageblatt, reviewing thethree years of war, publishes a tableshowing 214,108 squarsjrollat of ter-ritory won, but foi-gtts'lo mention-the loss of 1,027420 square milesof her colonies gone forever.

Rumanians have pushed rapidly aheadIn Moldavia, near the Bukowinn bor-der and have captured six vHlagesbetween Casln and Putna valleys.'

Canadians. Have captured, the Cite duMoulin, the last suburb betweenReservoir Hlfl snd Lens In a daylight attack, after, learning that thePrussians only manned the place <atnight.

(Tie artillery duel raging on the frontIn Flanders Is the most violent since

- the war began, according the theBerlin official statement, and 'Londonbelieves It presaagts a great battle,

i along the whole line.- -V "•-•-*{coring a notable advance ,


Veesal's Cargo at •Baltimore Spadedby Embargo Delay.

Baltimore.—Eighteen nectral ship*,loaded .with grain, are anchored offthis port with 96,000 tons of«grain Intheir holds. ..Fifteen are 'Dutch andthree Norwegian. Some have bad theircargoes under batches for a monthawaiting the license from the-UnitedStates Government The cargo of'oneneutral steamer, contatning-7,000 tonsof corn »was dumped overboard be-cause It had s

Effect of United ''States EmbargoShown by Advertisem*nts/.

Washington. — Advertisem*nts in-German newspapers Just receivedshow that the U. S. embargo againstfat" reaching Germany through neu-trals has already had Its effect. Thefollowing advertisem*nts Illustrate' dlf.flcnltles of getting fats.

For sale—Cash on delivery—"fat forfrying,. 17 murks ($4 05, per pound.Goono fat, 221& marks ($5.36) perpound, i

"Duck fat, 1-4 pound for 4.76 marks($1.13)."

Salted Roore l«jrs 04 cents each.Lnrdort Koose $2.08 per pound. Fowlsfor soup $1,01 per pound and up. Layling hens $3.82 each, good ge,ese, live,ranee from $11.91* to $19.08 per goo&fc.

of' their duties and special detail*were required to keep the curlnu*crowd from taking possession of theaerpplano Itself. - Several eihibltlonflights were- made. - . —

Lieutenant Russell Barber, an aide-de-camp on the staff of his father.Brigadier General.Barber, made a 20-minute flight 'with' Aviator Stanton!They went up to ,4200 feet and despitethe fact that it was bis passenger'sfirst flight. Stanton did some aerial.stunts for the edification of the crowd.

Four. Camden' women became hys-terical and fainted at the station whenthey started to bid their husbandsgoodbye. Two were treated In thefield hospital, ono was put "on thetrain with friends nnd' the other re-vived at a near-by house.

Brigadier Oonornl Charles W. Bar-ber assumed command of the Twenty-ninth division. Brigadier GeneralGalther, of Maryland, tho other briga-dier general in the division, as an-nounced, by the/Department of theEast, has already reported to GeneralBarber. Everything" In camp Is readyfor the Intensive course of militaryinstruction, which owfng to the. factthat half of the men are new, mustnecessarily start from the "bottom.

fine of the officers who will be agreat help-to the .New, Jersey con-

of >varCross.

, Being without a flag for their nnrcommunity library, members of in*Carney's Point Mothers' Club wiltmake one of their own.

Among the homeless wandererssheltered at the Gloucester City Hillwas a man of 90 years, who was bora

y Scouts went todaysl camp j

ouse. Commission the expendi-ture of $35,000 at bnco for new uni-forms for the New Jersey troops.

Petitions are being circulatedthroughout tbe farming districts qfAtlantic county, addressed to Gover-nor Edge, urging the killing of deeras a relief from the nuisance.

Howard 8. 'Benson, of- Rum son. swealthy resident, announced he had-organised two hundred men for coaitartillery. The men will be emm<-~rand those who are fit will be accept-

Tbe Mlllville ..Ocean City for 10.days', camp.

The Woodbury Council passed iianew building ordinance over MajorLadd's veto.

The annual carnival of the NationalPark P. O. S. of A. will be held onAugust 10.

Committees are planning for Blarlt-wood's annual county fair to bo heldAugust 24 and 25.

Streets at Pitman are rapidly belnirput intq shape again following; excaratione for the municipal sewer system.

Although many parents are eaterto see Pitman have' its own school.arrangements have been made by th?board of education to again transportpupils to Glassboro.

Dr. Bassett Kirby has been appoint-ed acting chief of tbe Woodbury FIroDepartment during the absence ofChief Sblvors with the Third Regi-ment.

Thomas S. Young, 87 yoare old, Fan-wood's first mayor'and oldest commu-ter, is dead.

U. 8, WEALTH $240,000,000,000

More Than, England's. Prance's, Gar.man's. Combined, Banker Says.

Chicago.—The wealth of tbe United.States is now $240,000,000,000, which isstore than the combined .wealth ofEngland, France and German?, so saysWilliam S. Kiea. vice president ofthe National City Bank, who made thisannouncement



andViolent Fighting. Takes PlaceMeeting Is Broken Up.

Swansea, Wales.—A meeting of morethan 200 delegates from ail parti ofWales under' the auspices; of theSoldiers' and Workers' • Council -wasbroken up befor. proceedings-started.The hallwas rushed and; violent flgh+s

LOS ANOELE8, Cal^Ceneral Ha^riSon Gray Otis, president and gen-eral manager of the Los AngelesTimes, is dead.

WA8HIN0TON—In a little whilethe potato reserve will be as familiaras tbe gold reserve. Tbe Food Admin-istration has arranged for issuanceof, negotiable paper to growers andlocal dealers who deposit potatoes Inwarehouses and the Federal Reservebanks are going to discount the "po-tato notes." .' .; WASHINGTON—-One man control

for,the .food administration was agreedupon by the conference.

8ACKET HARBOR, N. Y*-Pru*slan-lam must be crashed at all costs saidRobert Lansing, Secretary of State,addressing; tbe student officers at Madi-son Barracks, N. Y. \ Vl ' '

/WASHINGTON*-^ la reported thatthe.draft lines would ba tightened andthat of those called most-of the physi-

tlngent In the event they_ finally _gct. Tlie-Crescent-Canoe-eiub, anexeftp—across-XRo water to~France is Cap- ' " ' •- •• - -• •tain George ,T. Herzog, supply officerfor the First regiment of light fieldartillery. Captain Heraog served ayear with the Twenty-eighth "bat-talion, Canadian Field Artillery. Hefound time enough during the camproutine to pay glowing reBpects to theefficiency of the units mobilized. Cap-tain Hereog said enough praise can-not be given tbe men for the speedy,msnner in .which the mobilization wnseffected snd thst the-Canadlan forcescould not compare with the rapiditywith which the -work was carried out.

Reflecting npon, the struggle InFrance, Captain Herxog said the NewJersey boys at this time cannot pos-.slbly have a proper appreciation ofthe struggle that seems sure to.bebefore them. Captain Herzog's homeis 'lp Pennlngton.

Recrujtlng offices have been openedon the camu grounds, with the idea,or filling tbe ranks "of those unitsnot up to -war srength. Brigadler-tleneral Barber desJgnated-Xieutanant-»»"•'» W Watklns. of Company"

lF l l officeri I. i I t?F' " "wltlng officerand he wUl be staOoired In the build-ing now occupied by the musteringOkELA BUb-8taUon wa» opened onthe brlgadler-genersland Serjeant Jo-

S ? a i h * b *Huckleberries May Waste.

^5"rleldla, «unprecedenter°cr;pn aofhuckleberries. bo.t it is awhether great quantities will

people are „,„ uuay

, ^ ! r * 0 - r V ° * a U l w «*«•>, and

BtandiLg tt

slve organisation, of Bridgetou, has amembership of 32, and 15 of the youngmen are enlisted in the war service.The club bas Just provided a silverpocket piece for 'each soldier, uponwhich there Is engraved an Americaneagle, the date of the piece, the nameof the holder and ttie add.-ess. It willserve as an additional identificationmark.

The Bridgetou' Merchants' Associa-tion is after effective carnival regula-tion and at a meeting approved tiedraft of an ordinance wfclch will hepresented to City Council asking for amuch larger' license fee and regula-tions for the conduct of duch enter- .prises strictly under tbe supervisionof the police; department Traveling, .carnivals have visited Bridgeton re-cently to the fegfft'of most of thecitizens. " , - i

High street merchants have protest-ed to Burlington Council against thaeffort "to move tbe long-establishedfarmers' market from that businea*thBraugBfarir-tft-a.-aMa street.

Calming that the demands of tiefanners make it necessary, MUlvillsdealers announce that, beginningMonday,, the price of mflk will beraised to twelve cento a quart

Alfredo Lesia, a lieutenant In, theItalian-army, waa,dtewned la Green-wood Lake. ' •,

Methodist women at Williomstownare busy canning vegetables anafruits to H01».barrel for the Metho-dist " Hospital... at. Philadelphia. "

Many vlsitow'fTont the, inland are.going.to Cape .May to look at. the <*foot sperm whale which floated on theshore deadl'Jt'ls the largest whs»ever seen:ln" this, section, A ' ,- After", '.'fcelnr'.delsyed for sever*l_weskk; the electric •Iwnpnrchssed <>rtU&l*lt_!^r>'nCM*il.>.**flM>> and " POU1

A gust of wind carrying hu h«t 0»the track of the.Mlllville T r i c U ?Company, In .North Mliiviiit, M « SLows made an attempt to recover itand was sruck by a trollay car i Mhorribly mangled. Bystanden 'their heads as the man wasto death.

Thomas H. Wooley, once mayor orLong Brsnch and president of «,.Long Branch Trust Co., H dead

MajorOeneral.Goethals Is plonnlntto resume work On the constructionof New Jersey state roads.

The Mnrlton Board of Education ha,bad plans drawn for abuilding.

Borough Clerk Fred P.' Hemphl!! ^ _has completed the task of renumber. BBBBI **•ing the houses of Rirerton.

Several hundred dollars was cleare* aaaal tk* * •at a fair and carnival for the •>-"••> aaaal *•••• *•



toinetts) Martand wife a f frdgnlncking


tod been a la;After her i

uched to her

High edacaUawe often sad 1or at the Beknown to b e eroyalties hi wi

At the grain]

tne.issoal bsflBaacypresence; t h e n

-Wen. a txban aboat a i"1 was—" Atpenr. la tbe •regiment <tf Sanbe was chief, sof CkanccHn ofstrode opi and. i

•TTen. bssisB'

BerfiaperialUungbtndcaTttattest aa* mat

-Wen.m«sUirojattf :hsrw> asfrolder w u s ef til u m a a t l

Inc. and)gustas the fin

ago the Iwere pajfas a sdtnner, snd. whiliand taUdss. Cos:

, been t e a s e S B iheard a treat dand the heavy ras thoagh a, stajthesaancosntnondinthtsilcna

carrived o r , dq

nsd ibliui oat el

momoritOtable, a

l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (3)

l l iBRlEFS

I «t Pitman In \moved to

of wind carrying h | .


i H. Wooley, onre• « * Md presidentnch Trnit Qp.. | , de i ld

. . 6 n t h e c o n

•rsty state roads.rlton Board of Eduction hi,« drawn for a new ,ch00'

^ t h e - t a s k o f r e S !»uses of Hlverton.

!™f dr^dolIara ™» < Wmd carnival for the bensBt •ork of the P a i m y r a "R™V

lthout,,B flo* forthelr nmr_ library, members of tft.P o n t Mothers' Club » ,)f their own. -.-:•••

ofni a n ' 1

Gloucester cityy e a , who i

• - - — - - - - — - i u o oxpeaai-.U00 at -onco for new uol-he New Jersey troops.-

_are being circulate!the farming districts of'

mty, addressed to Gorer-irglng the killing of deerfrom the nuisance. 'I. 'Benson, of/Rumsoii. •Ident announced he a«I~<o hundred men forcoaitle men will be exnw1—< •ho are fit wilt be" afceST

lie Boy Scoty Venf totor WjdaysVcamp. •,>!,:,{;bury Council passed tils''' ordinance over. Mayor

carnival of the National .I. of A. will be held ott

are planning for Bl»* .1 county fair to bo held -1.25.-- . . - . ' / . . .'Itman are raoidly being3 again following excnra;

municipal sewer system.'any parents, a re eager'l have" Its own school,have .been made by thsitlon to again transportisbqro. .. - . . . - .Klrby hoH been appolnt-' of the Woodbury Fireuriffg the absence ofwith the Third' Regi-

Dung, 87 years old, Fan-ybr'and oldest comma-

-Canoe-ehi3jran-e:in, of Bridgetou, has a32, and 15 of the youngid in the war service,ust provided a silverr/e'ach. soldier, upon- ,s'ngraved an American *of the piece, the named the address. It will •;Iditional Identification

l'. Merchants' Asspcia-.ictlve carnival, regula- 'aeetlng approved the .-nance which will ba :.:''Council asking for asnse fee and regula- \ •nduct of jsiich -enter- .-• .:VOder- tha. supervision :,partment Traveling; .*rlsited Brldgeton re-,., *Hft/of . most of the ••"•;

' " : • , • • ' . • ' . • . ' ; " • ' ' • - • - • . * •

rchants have protest- .; |Council against tha ft

the-; long-established •from that businesst~sidii_street.the • demands of tnenecessary, Mllivilla

r that beginninge of milk will; be'cenia a quart. ,^ lieutenant in, the,,drowned hi Creeli-ng at'William'41"01

r i. vegetables , anU

M' forthe MethodPhiladelphia.'"Htt t h e Inland ^-.are -;;••••r|6l.fo&t--'aii tfie.":75-:-!•hjchifloaiedbn;th»^1the'iiargest.>whal»';.;v:

s^Si|tir:^ever«li4llrenpurchased by;'

m or the fidM l l l t H I VOnc. — WUUaai I * ,

la* kUHcttacaa.


*T wa •rorrra-i>aa.aatb*r1trM

•».«* m a n lr ta ctHI life, aa«tfc* BrUlaa O«T-

M * f hla


I The Plot Against ;Princess Lduisa

niiiiiiiuiiiiuiniimI B B T K U m of the plot which

I the downfall of the un-.fustuuate and macb-ouillgnedtwpwlal Piluceaa Lotdsa An-

toinctte ktarlc; ardidiKbess o f Austriaand wlfte at FHcdrMHAognst, now therdCBlas ktnc «* Saxony, baa never yetbeen revealed. . ' .". .' •;'... I. of cnarae. knew tbe cbarmlng Im-perial hlcfcwia. the Croiwn Princess

f SaxDoy. as aoe often cameto the kaUcrin. bnt I had

with her until atSkater. laOK. tbe emperor went to visitDteaden. He took v i a bin. amongother people, m e of tdinoUUed boon

B Councilor Loh-

been an unrnnny one, eh I" asked tbe-emperor, deeply Interested.'

"Quite. Two of the women at tbetable declared that It. mast have, beenthunder, and then the conversationproceeded. I, however, confess tp yourmajesty that I was-very much jpuzzled,and the more so because only twonights ago, while we sat at dinner.'Kriedrlcb-Augast and myself en,fa-rullle, we beard exactly the'lamesounds acalnl". :

"Heally r,. laughed the emperor."Quite uncanny. I hops, here'In Dres-den,-jpu are'not believing In spooks,as* Loudon society believes In them."

"Not at all,".said the princess ear-nestly/ "I don't believe In omens. But,curiously/enough, tbe king told meyesterday that his two old aunts, whoformerly lived In our wing of the pal-ace, bad sometimes heard the clatterof horses' hoofs, the jingle of harness,the grinding of brakes, and the rum-bling of Jieayy carriage wheels."

'0'niI"--grunted the emperor. ."I'veheard that same' story before, Louisa,thodepnrtlng coach means trouble tothe relgnlDBj family."

"That la exactly what the king saidto me only last, evening," answeredLouisa frankly. "Does It mean troubleto me, I wonder?" . . "

:<<CertiiInly .not," I declared. "TourImperial highness need not worry forone moment over such things. Nobodynowadays regards such phenomena aspresage of «vll; There Is no doubtsome perfectly natural explanation of


.-. :.;•-,:{..:..:.:..:. ."•.i'^8ECRBT8.pF;euR<jpE..:^ ^,.';...-:.:':::-'. J..:;..;--• • ' - - ' • • ' - . - ' • • . • • • • : . . • . • . ' • : . • - . . - • V n n u K i l n , . • ' • - • . • •'•

- . , • ' . . • ' • • - . ' • • • . . • ••'-.: i » r H b r e t - . a r - L o l a s - , J ' . •


•fco at «a». great ln-

t popular Poman' la Saxony, and deWredtr so, for herstad been a lojre saatch. -

After her marriage to the Saxoncrown prince tbe kaiser. In one of hiswhimsical moods, became greatly at-tached to her because of her frank-ness, her lore of outdoor life, and herhigh edacattonal \ attainments, hencewe often had her rtriUng at Potsdamor at the Berlin Sehloss. She wasknown to be one of the few feminineroyalties hi whoa the kaiser took the

At the grand ban of Easter I foundmyself ehattmg with toolsa, who, Irecollect wore a moat charming tradarUstie gora of sea-green chiffon.UCGOOCIBBL VSL C0*«BST9CM 'YvVCB lu&i£ C&fXUl*

tuns hi her hair and a few diamondsupoo her conace. aa well as t ie Orderof &L Enxabeth and her magnificent

pearia, which went! her meek and. reached to

once Mlonged to Marie Antoinette.The Story of ths Cream Prince Told.

As we stood raafriHg in a corner oftheroonv watching the scene of nn-usual briDbacy becaase of tbe kaiser'spresence, the princen tnrned to met

"Wen. a taifcwis thing happenedher* ahoat a ssonth ago," she .said."I was—"At that moment the em-peror, hi the anlfima of the Secondregiment of Saxon Greoadiera,of wbjchbe was chief, and wearing'the Orderof CraneeHn of the' Boase of Saxony,strode np. and, standing before ns, ex-'c l a i m e d : . . . / . \ .- .,.:.•; ... .. •..-.•'-;,.: .,

7Wen.Loaisa7 What Is tbe very In-tereatmc topic of converatioB, e h r

Her faspertal Ushaeas hesitated, asthough awJ*a«n^ ing? i^ ijiMi^ a | orpiaiwattoa, hat next second she waved herlace fan «jsdckry sad said:

"WeO.recentryTMedricb-Anziut andmysctf have ssirred mto rooms In the«Mer wing of the paUce rooms thathave not been i^t-T*~f tor nearly for-ty/ yean. They are old-world, charm-

!. ciuiisl stitty of Att-aad die Umes

»hMrhe Bwd. , Jaslaboui a-month

UOIUV .' ;Trie Kalstr's Many Mood.

Then- the emperor, after acknowl-edging, the salute of Barsn-fleorg vonMetzsch, controller of the royal house-hold—a tall, thin, crafty-eyed tnan»with hair tinged-with gray, and wear-ing a dark blue uniform «hd manydecorations—changed the.topic of con-versation. : •'.'. '. •;;.-. ••'•'•"1;.1 ':.

The kaiser was in particularly merrymood that night Be had gone to Dres-den against bis Inclination, for be hadlong ago .arranged ah Easter reviewon'the Tempelhofer Feld, but the visitwas, I knew, for the purpose of con-sultation in f secret with the king -fit

S a x o n y ^ ; •'. •"'• •"• •-" • ; ' . ' . ' . ; . ••••• ' ' . ; . • ' , •• t . - . - . ' .

Several times. I wondered upon whatbis majesty of Saxony had stumbled.That morning the .emperor and kinghad been closeted alone together forfully three, hours, and the outcome ofthe secret conference seemed to haveput the all-highest into a most excel-lent mood. ' '

The Saxon crown prince and hiswife were at that time a most devotedcouple, though all of us" know thatthe modern ideas Louisa bad broughtto Dresden from the Hapsburg courthad much shocked old KingVQeorgeand bis consort The Saxon court wasunused to a pretty women "with buoy'ant spirits rejoicing in life with a capi-tal "L." " •/:••

According to the court whisperings,trouble had started a few days aftermarriage, when the king, having givenhis daughter-in-law a tiara of dia-monds, a royal heirloom, with strictinjunctions to wear them Just as theywere—a style of the seventeenth ten-

* Faamarr tOtk, U1T.Mr ocar Lcaacmzi . '

I hava Jaat teUtM naaias «*• wroetm »l r m artlclaa acaniblac• mr Ufa aa.aa • • r i a l at <aa ImiwrUl eaart at'Patadaa^ aa« Ika two arIkrea aaull errara jrm wtmim I aava 4aly corrected.' Tb*«Ta<ia acaaiala aa« wn> IptHssra Wklck I. aa»a r«lat<44a yea)w m mmmr ml «kaa> kaowa <a roaratlf. far, a* tke lailaiata Maad ofLa«las,(k« e w t o i m >riama af^Sazaar, yon wera, tcfare tk* .war,eloaalr. aaaaeUlad wlfk wutht »t tkaaa at eaart wkaaa aaaiaa apt*ar lalk*aa article*. •. Tk* nyaUKieaa wklck I kava Mai* , • • ! wklch roa kava r*c*f4r«

. ktre. M M i Ulka of tk* aJaflonrta walck I roaU nuk*, aad If tk*worM dtalrea Mara, I akall a* plaa»»« ta faralak rail ftltk atk«r aa«cvaa Mara atartllas dctaila, wfclck yaa mar a|*a pat lato arJat.

Mr acrrtca aa pctaaaal aojataat <• tk* Ckraua craws prlaca la, kap-pllr, at u n < , aa< BOW, wl<k <ka trvackerr af Qcraiaar asalaat CITIIKaatlaa ahuteslr ravealae, I fe*l, ta sir ntlmarat, ao caaipaactUa lacipoatac all I kaow cmfwralac tk* M a i l i * f tk* kalaw aad kla aaa.

With Moat eariUI srcvtlasa fram. : . '• . T*BT alaeer* M M 4 ,

' ' \' • , .i |SI«ae<) BSNST VOIf nBLTSBlfDORFr.

and further, that be had taken with | "court" sUc— linen-lined, as are all en-htm his crafty crony, Lohleln,

During that mysterious absence—when the tinseled world of Potsdamseemed at peace—the good-looking.Saxon crown princess arrived.-1 was on duty on the railway plat*

form to bow over her hand and to wel-come her. . ' . ' • ' • •

"Ah I Count von Heltzendorff! Well,did I not say that I should not bevery long before I returned to Pots-dam, ehT" she'exclaimed. Then with

•go the knag aad of BonmanlaWe were at

and talktss, forb

£gSylva.' •bads , y

. been teJBnc « s one of her stories, wehdheard aand


hoofsof wheels. Just

was crossingAD of ns listened,

and in thtsflenoe we heard ft receding<ntte distinctly. I at once sent »ny^^-Jn^aJtJns to ssTMtaln wbo hadarrivedcoache;It

foar-wheeledal nowadays.

the coach"«« * t w « oat of the palace gate. Tbe

' •Besaa h t t back from the suard-

her wearing .the stbnes re-set in thatstyle known as art nouveau. The kingbecame furious, and ordered them tobe set again in their original settings,whereupon Louisa coolly returned thepresent •

v Such was the commencement of theold king's ill-feeling toward her.

The. state ball that night- was cer-tainly a brilliant one for such a smallcourt,'and next day we all returnedto Potsdam. Louisa, Id a depressedmood, for while dancing with Countvon Castell Budenhausen of the Prus-slnn Guard her lovely rope, of pearlshad suddenly parted as though cut bya knife..

A Mysterious Absence.Before' we left Dresden, however, I

met the crown princess in one of thecorridors. It was nine o'clock In themorning. She wore her riding-habit,having just come In from her morningcanter. °

-"Well, count 1" she laughed. "Soyon are leaving us unexpectedly 1 Ishall be coming to pay another visit toPotsdam soon. . The emperor Invited*e-ta»t-nIght-Au-revolrl?__

Her Imperial highness paid her

those clattering hoofs, annVroy. brokenrope of pearlsf Nothing has hap-pened, yet." : '..-' "

. An Arlgry Emperor.Three days later an Incident occur-

red which cuysed me,a good deal ofthought, nnd, truth to tell, mystifiedme. considerably. . -

That somewhat Indiscreet.Journal,the Milltacr Wochenbtntt had pub-lished, a statement to the effect thatFriedrlch-August of Saxony and. thehandsome Louisa had had a violentquarrel, a fact which caused a greatdeal of gossip throughout court cir-cles. ' ' . - ' . . '• '•' :

Old Vqn Donaus'tauf, who et thattime,was master of the ceremonies atthe emperor's court, busied himself byspreading strange scandals regarding.the Crown Princess Louisa. There-fore,'in the circ*mstances. It struckme as strange that her highness shouldhave been invited to the puritanicaland hypocritical circle at Potsdam. .

That afternoon, soon" after theguard had been changed, I chanced tobe writing In my room,-which over-looked the. big central courtyard^wbenI beard the guard suddenly turn outin great commotion,.by which I knewthat his majesty had - suddenly re-turned from Hubertusstock.

Ten minutes later my telephonerang, and, passing the sentries, I wentby order to bis majesty's study, thatchamber of plots and. secrets, bungwith its faded green silk damask,-Itsfurniture covered with the same mate-rial, and its net curtains at the win-dows threaded with ribbons of thesame shade. - '

The moment I entered the emperor'scountenance showed me that he'waij

I velopos used by the emperor for hisI private correspondence. I saw It hud

been sealed In black by his own hand.Then,> as. he handed it to me, he said:

"Go to Dresden as quickly as pos-sible and obtain a reply to-this."

I clicked" my heels together,' and,saluting, left upon roy secret missionto tbe Saxon court.

The letter was addressed to BaronGeorg von Mettsch at Dresden.

Next day^wjienj presented i t to thelClIiln controller of tbe household.

promised visit to tbe empress at theNeues Palais in July.

At the. time of her arrival the em-peror had left suddenly and gone awayto Huoertusstock. When anything un-usual upset him he always went there.I overheard him the day before his de-parture shouting to Lohleln as I passedalong one of the corridors. The, Judi-cial councilor seemed to be trying topacify him, but apparently entirelywithout avail.

"You* are as sly as all the rest I"I beard thCepperor declare in thatshrill, high-pitched tone which alwaysdenotes his anger. "I'll bear none ofUT-HO excuses. I want'no fawning,no Jew-Juggling^'•' J_ <"•=*, The next \ heard was that the kaiserbad. left.for.'tiat.lonely retreat.to

him, and stood watching the emperoras .the latter impatiently paced theroom." • " - . . - . . .

I saluted, awaiting orders In silence,but so preoccupied was bis majestythat he. did not notice my presence,but continued his outburst of furiouswrath. "Only see what Von Hoens-broech has reported!" he cried. "Iam being made a laughing-stock—andyou know It,'Lohleln I It has beensaid o f us that a woman, a whim, ora word will today raise any personto high rank, in our empire! Thatblack-guard, Harden, Ens--actuallydared to write it In bis Journal. Well,

That 'woman—shes h a l l — 1 * . . : ' < ; • • • • • »

Suddenly he realized that I waspresent and hesitated. Neit1 secondboth his tone and his manner changed.

"Heltzendorff—I—I—wish you to goto. Dresden and take a private letter..It will be ready in half on hour. -Saynothing to anyone concerning your de-parture, but report to me here at fouro'clock.'A Secret Mission to ths Saxon Court

As commanded, I reported, but thekaiser was with the empress, who. Inone of her^ private apartments, washolding petit cercle, the .PrincessLouisa being present Indeed, a s 1 en-tered that seml-drcular. salon thekaiser was. standing astride 'before.Louisa's chair, laughing goyly withher. Be could, alter his moods Just aahe changed bis three hundred odd uni-forms. ; > - v •-. „

There was something mysterious inthewlnd—of that Lfelt absolutely con-vinced. . The atmosphere of that fadedgreen npstnlrs "room was always oneof confidential conversations; Intiniateconferences and secret plots^-plots.as has *lnce been proved—against the;p^ce;of:the^r^d^;;W;55$5^ft£*";; :.

TBmT(.He wrote a reply, and as Imperialmessenger, I returned at once tt> Pots-dam, handing It to the emperor as heStrode alone from the Shell salon,throujfa which he was passing afterdinner.

lie took It from my hand without aword, tore open the. envelope, read Itscontents, and then smiled contentedly,after'which I went to old Von Donau-staufs room, and smoked a good cigarIn his company.

The Crown Princes* Calls.Next day we were f II back at the

Berlin Sehloss. I During'the mornlngihis majesty Inspected the; Berlin gar-rison In the Tempelhofer Feld, andthe Princess Louisa rode with him.That same afternoon, while I was{busy' writing In the long room al-lotted to me In tbe Berlin Sehloss, herimperJaLhlkhriess. tomy.surprise, en-tered,-closing the^door quietly afterher. ^

"Count .von Holtzendorff, you havebeen on a secret mission to that spy,Von Metisch, In Dresden, have younotr

I rose, bowed, and.without replyingcourteously offered her a chair.

"Why do you not admit It?" sheasked quickly.

"Princess, If the emperor gives meorders to preserve secrecy, then.lt ismy duty .to obey," I said.' 1 know," she answered, and then Irealized how upset and nervous sheseemed. "But Von Metzsch hates me,and has put about all sorts of scandal-bus, reports concerning me. Ah Icount," she sighed, "you do not knowhow very unhappy I am—bow I am

| ever been so unfortunate In their loves.On the day before, the crown prin-

cess' visit to the Berlin court was dueto -end, at about six o'clock In the- eve-ning, I.passed the sentries and ascend-ed to the emperor's study with somepapers Iliad been going through re-garding the reorgunlzutlp.n of the Stet-tin garrison. I was one of the veryfew persons ever admitted, to thatwing of the palace,..

As I approached tha door, treadingnoiselessly upon the soft carpet, Ihoard voices raised .excitedly; the doorbeing slightly ajar. - .

Naturally I halted.' In my position Iwas able to hear a great deal of palaceintrigue, but never ho* I listened'to aconversation that held!- me morebreathless than at that moment .

"Woman;" cried the- emperor, "doyon, then, openly-defy.'my authority?"; "VlThut. that crafty sycophant, Von

Metzsch, has told you Is, I repeat, af o u l a n d a b o m i n a b l e H e , " w a s t h e r e -p l y ; , " •• •'•"••' '.- • - . ' • - . • • • • . ' • •

And I knew' that the Unfortunateprincess was defending her reputation,'which her enemies at the court ofSaxony had torn to shreds.

"No woman ever admits the truth,of'course," sneered the emperor. "Iconsider you a disgrace to the Dresdencourt- '

"So this Is the manner In which youopenly Insult your guests I" was theprincess' retort' "You, who believeyourself .the Idol of jour .people*, now-|exhibit yourself Ini your true light as**i9 trffdjiwr of » rfafeniiniMMjromani^

| unfortunately the latter refuses to ad-mit any affection for Louisa. Gironungrily declared his Intention to leaveDresden, bemuse of Von FriUch'J aug-*gestton. This course, I saw, <vould beunfortunate for, our plans, therefore Iurge the king to Induce Louisa to re-quest him to remain. She has done >o,but to no avail, and Olron left forBrussels tonight May I be permittedto come to discuss with your majestya furthpr elaboration of the plans?—:Von Metmch."-

The emperor read tbe secret mes-sage twice.

'•We go to Erfurt tomorrow, do wenot?" bo said. "Telegraph In cipherto Von Metzsch to meet-us there to-morrow evening at seven. And -de-stroy that message," he added.

I obeyed his orders, and afterwardcontinued, to deal with the state pa-pers, much enlightened by the newstransmitted by the emperor's creature.

I confess that I felt the. deepestsympathy for the helpless victim. ' Attho Sehloss,;high above the old-worldtown of Erfurt, Von Metzsch had. along conference with the emperor, butI was unable to overbear any'word ofIt. All I know Is that the controllerof the Saxon household left Erfurt forDresden by special train at midnight

Poor, defenseless Louisa I You, myidear LeQueux, to whom the princess a;few months afterward fled for advice,know well-how sterling, how'womanlyand 'honest •she-was7-bow~sbe"was ono "victim of many of the unscrupulousl b b h h

me 1" cried'the all-highest one, in fury.•'I dare defend myself—even though

yob may be emperor," replied Louisa,In Q cold, hard,tone of defiance. "I

^surrounded by enemies I"~"I much regret to hearThat,""l said.

"But your Imperial highness has. alsomany friends, of whom, I hope I may.be permitted to number myself."

**Aht It is extremely good of youto say that—very good. If you reallyare my friend, then you can help me.Ton are In a position' to watch anddiscover what is In progress^-the rea-son the emperor exchanges those con-stant confidences with Von Metzsch,the man who twisted my husbandaround his little finger,'and who has,,with my lady-of-the-bedcbamber, Frauvon Fritsch, already poisoned'his mindagainst me. Ah I you have no, Ideabow. much 1 have suffered 1"

She seemed on the verge of a nerv-ous crisis, for. I saw that In her fineeyes stood the light of unshed tears,and I confess I was much'puzzled,for I bad certainly believed, up to thatmoment, that she was on excellentterms with her husband.

"But surely bis highness, the crownprince of Saxony, does not believe anyof those wicked reportar I said.

"AhI Then.you have beard. Of

?£&. {followed the

course, you nave. Von Metzscb hastaken good core to let the whole worldknow the lies that he and the CountessPaule Starbemberg have concocted be-tween them. . It la • cruel 1 It' Iswicked I"

"No, no. Calm yourself, princess!"I urged, sympathetically. "I am atleast your friend, and wULect as such,should occasion arise." J?

"Ah I" she exclaimed In a low voice."I fear I shall require the assistanceof a friend very soon. Do you recol-lect my broken pearlsT*

And a few moments Utter she left?the room. • '

"You Lie!"Through'all that .day and the next

t wondered, what .underhand - work!could be In progress. I pitied the good-

repeat that your allegations are.un-true, and that you have no right tomake them. Surely you con see thatmy enemies, headed by the king ofSaxony, are .all conspiring to effect mydownfall., I know It I I have writtenproof of it I" •

"Bosh I Ton say that because; youknow that.tho statements are true I"

"You lie I" she cried fiercely. "Theyare not true. You icannot prove them,"

''Very well," answered the emperorln.Uiat tdne of cold determination thatI knew too well. "I will prove thecharges "to my entire satisfaction."Words That tha Kalsar Would Nsvtr

Forgive.I was startled at the manner In

which the princess had dared to callthe emperor, a liar. . Surely nobodyhad ever done so before.

I drew a long breath, for as I creptnway unseen I recollected the kaiser'sunrelenting vindlctlveness.

Poor princess! I knew that the redtalons of tbe Hohenzollern eagle wouldsooner or later be laid heavily uponher.

She left Berlin t w hours later, buthalf an hour before her departure Ifound a hurriedly scribbled note uponmy table explaining that she bod had"a few unpleasant words With the em-peror," and that she was leaving forDresden a day earlier than bad beenarranged. ,

A fortnight passed. Twice Baronvon Metzsch came to Potsdam, andwas on each occasion alosely closetedwith the- emperorr ar weH-as-bavlngfrequent consultations with JudicialCouncilor Lohleln. I. had strong sus-picion that the oonsplracy against thelively daughter of the Hapsburgs wasstill'in progress, for I felt assured thatthe kaiser would .never forgive thosewords of defiance from a woman's lips,and that his vengeance, slow and sub-tle-, would assuredly fall upon her.

I did not know at the time—not, In-deed, until fully three years latcjyhow the actions dr Von Metzsch,.whowas a creature of the kaiser, bad fromthe first been Instigated by.the all-highest, who, from the very day of theprincess' marriage had, notwithstand-ing his .'apparent gracionsness towardher, determined that a : Hapsburgshould never become queen of Saxony.

For that reason, namely, becausethe emperor In his overweening vanitybelieved himself to be the heaven-sentruler of the destinies of the German em-pire, was much opposed to/an Austrianprincess as a potential queen at Dres-den,"and had set himself the task to ruinthe poor woman's life and love and toarouse such a scandal cohcerningJher.

that sbe'cpuld not remain In Saxonywith every-finger pointing at her Inopprobrium and scorn.1 Decipher a Message for tha Kalsar.

A'fresh light however, was thrownupon' what I afterward realized to bean astounding conspiracy by the re-ceipt of a cipher message bite one No-vember, night at Potsdam, I was atwork alone with the emperor In thepale green upstairs room, reading andplacing before him a. number of statedocuments <o which he scrawled hisscrlbbly signature,.when,the telegramwas brought ,

"Decipher that, HeltzendornV hocommanded, and went on with thework of rending and signing the docu-ments, wbfl? I sat down with the redleather-covered code book, and pres-

lord of Germany has until the presentmanaged to retain his throne.. •

•' . • : .-•-.. , : T h e C r i s i s . ' . . . - . . - : . ' -Well, I watched tho course of

events; watched eagerly fend dally.,Twice I had received letters from her ,Imperial highness, short notes in her!"firm, bold handwriting. .,:•.,.* . v

From Von Metzsch came, aeveratrcipher messages to the. emperor, after,we bad returned to Potsdam,- but Zornvon Bulach, my colleague,' deciphered1

all of^them,- and, as he was notmyl .friend, I did not Inquire as to theirpurport I knew, however, that mat-;ters in Dfesd^n were fast approaching-a crisis," and. that the unfortunate'Hapsburg princess could no longer sus-tain the cruel and unjust pressure be-ing put upon her undoing. That a nun- .dred of Germany's spies and^ agentsprovocateurs were busy ' I -realized,from tlrtvrnnny messages by telephone,and telegraph passing between Berlin,and Dresden, and I felt certain that:the ruin-of poor Princess Louisa was;nigh. ' • V

A significant message came to Pots*dam late one December nlght-^a mes-sage which, when I deciphered it andbanded It to tbe emperor, caused him,to smile. . ' . - , . , ' • • '

Tbe princess had left Dresden! ' ''Three days later, on December 0,

a further cipher telegram1] came fromVon Metzsch, in Dresden, which' read:"Louisa has learned of the Sonnen-steln .project, and has left Snjzborgfor.Zurich, her brother accompanying, '—VonMetescb." , \,

Spnnensteln I That was a private .lunatic asylum I : I : V;

In a few moments the kaiser hadsummoned, by his private 'telephone,

-Koehttrrihenchiefr of :the""BerTInTe "cret police, and given orders that the.princess be watched' In Switzerland.-Half, an hour later three police agentswere on their way to Zurich to followthe poor, distracted woman, even be-yond the confines of tho empire. '

She was, no-doubt In deadly fearof being sent to a living tomb, so thather mouth should be closed forever.And seeing herself surrounded by ene-mies and spies on every hand—foreven' her .brother Leopold, with whomshe had traveled to Switzerland, nowrefused to assist her—she adopted theonly-method.of further escape that atthe moment presented Itself.. Alone nnd without anyone to advise v

her, she, as you know, took a desper-ate resolve, one alas I fraught with'disastrous consequences. _ • •

The Iron had Indeed entered thepoor'princess'soul. - • ' • - ,

NoU by William LeQutux, .. 'The denouement of this base la-

trigue will be best-related In her Im-perial highness' own words. In one :of her letters, which I have,-table u l write, she says;

"I saw before me In those nsver-tCK,,:be-forgotten .days all the horrors of a'Malson- de Sante.' What could I dofI was friendless in a strange hotel.;!

•becaUBB'-ofi KWKI

Even Leopold seemed disinclined to>be further troubled by a runaway idsrfilter. I knew Frau von Fritsch had; ae|$fcused me falsely of having secret love'jaffairs, and thatahe emperor had di-?:trected the whole plot -which was' .'toi'.'S?culminate In my confinement In' an-^Lasylum. ' Suddenly a solution occurrediSto me. I remembered Moasleur Qlronv'swhoinad:';-alreadyi;it--8Uffe^'V'LigrBa^^^ly through his friend^PiyitVme. " a |he Jj^ed^m'e,;|t^^^i^ffi|lg^t|f|&i|DreaSn- -would'' be?cotnmeKd - *"*;*'i*ifeiopementiMd^liiBn^S^^n^il''1'-^Ing death In a -. madhon^J;-fIBTOJLGlron was at tint moment mrsd

liliiiegniplW!*, to;bj|lj|gi

l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (4)


Pai>n<k«l •wry Taartdaf at Hortb art Ualon A m w .

20 "Years#.»->••• ay,«.«

•a*«r*d atilm POM Oflot, Cranfoni, N J.." u nqond-claaa matter.

'• BVOO • HURON, gmlntti Mamagir . nUZBB, «Wfcr



Taraat: airicllr Cull la *4»a

N- adrarttilM n t i a fomlihed apoo appfloatloi

.'Tas nhroalola .ma? be found on n l i at Mlu Ktmkel'i, ttarrli'a and tfca Union Newi glahda.

H « » F > Drujc HI ore t u t tha Chronlole oOcd.

WANTED-A BOOM ITHAT A movomont should bo started to formulate an

advertising campaign to nttruct hom*osookors to Cninford isundeniable." And it is p/opor that such a campaign shouldbe intelligently and systematically conducted, for an effi-cient campaign costs money, and if it is not carried to com-pletion the result is doubtful. '

Cninford has had tho bonofrt of some excellent adver-tising dono through intorostcd land syndicates and it hadspent money jthrough tho Board of Trade in its own behalf.Tho " Venice of Now Jersey" slogan, which has appearedin many of tho Now York pnpors, and several "magazines,has no'vor lost its drawing power, but it is timo for anotherunited effort on bohnlf of Crnhford.

The town is growing substantially, and tho class ofpeople who are coming in is nn indication that Cronford isthe ideal place for tho right sort of home seekers, ami thereis room for moro of the samo-sort. Crunford is the idealhome town of tho commuting district, and it is going to bethat for many years to come.

It is an admitted fact that tho real estate agents nro atese«t:findifl^fcd»iHcttlMrcr-STip^

homes now on thoir books,—this should arouao- tho localowners of vacant lots, and tho local builders thomsolvesshould, bo oncouragod to put up moro houses that could berentod'for about forty dollars-pormontliTor sold for five orsix thousand dollars. . .Cranford has lost to tho surrounding'towns many good substantial families for the reason onlythat suitable accommodations could not bo found here.

Cranford. has doubled its population in tho past tonyears; may it double it again in tho noxt docudo,

f8a«b> Behibl at 9O0m,m. .

V86iSd»y»«*fet''«tlt mm. '- •' Holy ComButftoa on ** fint Sat*-

day in Us nontli »tl2> «Iao oa ttathird Sunday la the month af 8 a.m.

Musical Mrviea. Miry foorcb San-diy a* the 11 o'clock 'service insteadof tlw avtnhuj.

St. Andrew's Brotherhood' 1 M M *ivrfrj Friday at 8 p. m.



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a thai Column will be published each week a few of the maint b T t o S place in Cnu&bnJ 20 yeaM ago thie-week The item.

aWalt taken from the Cninford Chronicle and should prove to be of muchintnrrt t o the old time resident*. »

visiting attin.Vcrnoo.

Mr. —i Mi*. W. A. Shiwgooe to Delaware Water Gap.

Mr. Mad Mr*. N. K. nutcr a n thegorata of Mr. Hmry R. Heath, atAlexandrU Baj. in the ThousandIitandi.4 Mia* CUia t'boaon U the guest ofh> remain. Misa Mabel Hughe..

i ill

ll ex-lb Dr.



Fresh Killed Poultry


A Trial JWW Convince


Office II E. North AvenueTAKO. OitRTicKiut. A V I M I I . .

TeL IM Iratiimiin, Ngw JKHMVI

Tel. 411 Cranford Trust Building

HAYASHIRestaurant:: Caterer:: Delicatessen

Sunday Dinner Served from ta to 3 P. M. for 75c

Sunday Supper Served from 6 to 9 P. M. for 60c



ins & AllisonOffice Phone 376-W

Phone WeatficM 73-/

r .The'Board of Education will . hold

a >peetoi meeting tonight to passrwolulioaa regarding the death ofJohn Hrgvatao.

R.r. John Ejgeeuniberhtnge pnlpjta next Sund«yRoK'tli, of Comimt- N Y-,rector of Trinity Cbnreb. •'•'_,'

A Dieting to oixanixe theSoalh Side Hoee' Cempany will beheld io Jajge Mendell's shop tomor-row Bight. After organization thecompany, will 'ask- tae TownshipCommittee fer the old tiote cart.

At the next regular neeting ofthe School Board citiwns will bepresent with plans and specific-tionitbowiag Kwr the present achoalboaaa*n n be pot ip perfect reptlrs. wilnsanitarr plolnbing. indirect heating,cloakroom and everything else need-ed. And * proposal will be submit-ted by local eoctnetora offering to dotbe «ork for W.000.

CARNIVAL GOSSIPThe only way to, bsva a earnivaI

soeh aa the people want to see and as.(he town«ill he proud of. is to pre-pare foe it in adraace. Tha Etecu-tive Cotnmittre are working like bea-irtra and they want tbe townspeopleU co-operate with tnem'.""Tbi«"yrafit is piopoatd to hive the' whole townjlhwinata4-4f'poaatblev~'IK>T'" ar'r'eTy'tha booses and . grounds along theriver, and residects are urged to layin »a large a atock. of decorations. aithey can.

The treasurer. George Harv yMiller, will be" able to do hia partbetter if all the funds mbscribad arepaid within a few dayt. He will(ten kno* just what the resoureeaare and can plan how to make e»erypenny do ita utmost.

Next Monday night the ExecutiveCooimittce will beet arid elect threeJodgca to award the Carnival troph-ira., Prises will be given this yfsrfbr the best decorated boat eanoe,float and boos*.

l b < even better than•beretof re. Treasurer Miller says.He is negotiating for a band that is•aidtofxet l Sonsa'a.

A REMONSTRANCENot Ih t « e love the V. I. A

bof thai we. love -Cranfordleads ut to re-no strate agai. atplsn of iielliiis; at 1 he Carnival,ice m a m ard feftvah-nent*.

l i t . of a fund for tbe purchase of a streetsprinkler. Straer sprinkling in sum-mer, wh»n tbs roads are dosty, isan urgently needed public improve-ment, and we have frequently pointedout the fact. We rejoice that theV. I. A. has determined to exrtt itspowerf*ckenergies to this end,and weare canfldentvthat' they will succeedas they have Uot>e in so many other

I u


yefforts for the public good.

But-we disspprove of sailing any.tbing.even for tbe most praiseworthyobjects, at tha Carnival.

Cranford is the host ss, not onlyof her own people, but of thousandsfrom other places. Her,entertain-ments have always been free as'theglorious moonlight which-in point ofbrilliancy they eclipsed. Let themremain so.

'Everything mercenary ia opt ofharmony with ihospfrit of the occa-sion, and' a sale of any kind cannotbut nave a discordant Inote In thesymphony of pleasure. Let this planbe abandoned snd some other adoptedTfce V I. A. can find a means ofdampening Cranford's strceta withoutdampening Cranford's'Carnival.

How's This?- We offer One Han<Jr«a Dollart RewaM(or any case of Catarrh that cannot o*cured by Hall's Catarrh Medldna.

HaU'a Catarrh Medldne has been takeaby catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five yean, sad has become known a> themoat reliable .remedy for Catarrh. Rail'sCatarrh Medldne acts thru the Blood oathe Mucous surfaces, expentnr the Pol-eon-from the Blood and healing the -dls*eaaaS portions.

After you have taken Bad's Catarrhlfedlclne for a abort time yon wtU aee.av.arest -ImprWefcent In your «sneralhealth. Start taklnr HaU's Catarrh al»o>-dn»at * —* -*•* - • —*-—•• •—• *

P. J. «HENBT * CO.. Toledo, Ohte.Sold by alj Dfanists. 7te.




Come and

Thenewaud Improved Bl-8l«hl Toricand PebbleKye (alnuM. Twodoclon lu attelldiincrto |ire-•crjtw (lounforcornctitiK'Htunt deftCU, 9 n m.to5;30|).m.

Ttie iiennlne cr>ntnl pclible errslaanM. theroil klml Hint nrvrr mint or nctnlch. the Aplnn-nllc. Intinilile Bl-Klulil. Toric, Kryirtok null otherlrnan In "II.IK1T" mounlint or Immn. ThrSusy. Coinfnrliibie uml t>t)11»li elnuMlhnt Gt IhrC3*c and iieu*r pinch the now. '

GliiMCMrrfvHr'ed/'Hpeiiwrl^tis Clrnnrr freeWe h«\T 110 :irotlli or trovelinv reprewntntitettand «m|>" ONIi l>lnce.ufi>UMiit£fl . _

Spencer Optical Co.,5 - 7 'ibid™ I .me. New York ' '

Je'BesFFlace in Union County to




t -t Eastman St. Tel. 239


Tr^thinwords and deedsis what makes friends; wingcustomers and holds thent6 " ;

Wo make no claiins thatwe cannot prove.

Wo declare no values thatwe cannot show. «*

We make no promises thatcannot be fulfilled.

Tho.se are the reasons forthe great success and pop.ulahty of our store.

J. R. Reay,Pharmacist,


The Rexall Store.

FRUIT JARSJelly Glasses, etc.

ONE I,AWN SWING,Croquet Sets


PIKE'SHardware Store

Trust BullcUnBT'

i i

Plairjfield-Llrjior] WaterCon]pai)y

Th» I.'laiufleld-Pnioa WaterCompttii;supplies the Jnhabitflnts uf Hainfield, North I'lulnfield, Kuuwood,

, Oarwood, t'rttnford,, Hoeelle I'urk and Ketiil-

worth with water for



^ e a t s , Fish, Butter Eggs;• •"..; _ arid iPpyltirx ,:





"The Purest and Sweetestthat Nature Can Yield"

The water nuppl!*! by HIP I'ODIpany baa been analyzed b.v tll aJiaren, Esq., n leading: bydroulu1 m-pert, formerly of tipstou, now of >NVwYork, and'pronounced by him tu hewater of "groat oigun!t> purity," HWI!in a letter to one o( ihe roui|i»u>'»natrons lie adds, "You mv n> >xcong^a.thlat«>d upon having1 w> &»'li'a supply, and you nwd lime >•»anxiety whatever HniiiitH ivln/le-Bomeness."

The Company Rulersto all its Patrons.

t h e interest of tbe loinpun.v <sidfntifled , with the conimuuidea iu^which its plant la located and it >•tbe policy of tbe management to doita fall share to promot* uTeirKr»»tfaand prosperity.

A rapreoentativeol tbe Company »iilbe pleased to'call on parties who

. do noli a t present use water fromita mains, and explain ratoe, ttrnw,method of •srvire, etc

Plaiq/ieltf-tiqioq .fionjpariy

171 Nsra Annr. ftalnfteM. H. I. >»<>

141 «Vaad Stre**. v J.


l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (5)

n words and deedsmakes friends; wingaw and holds them

:e no promises that>e fulfilled.r© the reasons fort success and po».)f our store.

^ AT-«ICHT«t£K


f SWING, Special $6

tuet Sets

vare Store. Building:'

inhabitants uf_MainI'lttlnfield, Kuuwood,

arwood, ('ran ford,elle I'urk and Kenll-water for doim-tic

st and Sweetestte Can Yield"

uppllrtl by thp Comi analysed by \tin)ending hydraulrrux- -(Uoatou, DOU ofiNVwounced by him to lieorgunli" purity," HMIw of the Cow pain'sla, "Vou utv li> I*pon Laving HO g.'inl'yoii .need twice noar HD iii'itH ivliule-




[Square Bottom[ Round Top

That's the shape of the. .ire pot in Square Pot| Boilers. This exclusive

construction is a big stepin advance of all otherdesigns of boilers. Radi-aHngsurface ismcreased,heat is in direct and closecontact with water-con-tainingsections,andgratebarsareallofsamelength.This allows quick clear-ance and prevents clog-Sjng; Square Pot Boilerssteatn. quickly and re-quire less attention thanother kinds.

wo/kir been .„ M e r a g e o f fif J n

•hi« week, .nd other classes' haveS * » ' I " ' cr'di«»b>"«t«eDd.nee

, p^rhap. there will be even .

whan it becomes known thatMr S U u b i n . c h . r , . of tb. Atlantic

•II finished artielet, statin* that theneed ia urgent. It m n a Impos.iblefor same pf ua to comprehend themessages of haste and reqaests forquantities of finished work .that arecon.tantly being received by thesecretary of ihls Chapter. The notU

" " " m 8 ' ~ w i " y o u d 0

IQOTC"*,.*~sjrv.sassjvsjwsai WK—+ aHjajsj «uamsj*<

offieiala are hopeful that employersof motor drivers and , other experthelp required t i l l contribute the ear-vieea of tbe men. paying their sal-aries while in Red Cross service.

The Red Cross will pay the trsns-porUtion and living expenses of themen while Kbsoad. It is tbe in-tention when the men are recruitedto give v them intensive mechanicaltraining, some drill .and if possiblesome preliminary instruction in theFrench language.

This contribution to tbe Red Crossby employers of skilled labor wouldbe similar to the contributions oflarge organization to the Red CrossstalT at headquarters which includesnearly seventy-five volunteers, manyof whom are psid by outside organi-sations while working for th: RedCross.



a ^. *Oh!"

"Then he took fcerap-"I we—Jn. his maeUoe.""The man she bad befo gntaw wltft

i\»r two years dropped b « -""Served her rightr

JIT ?"" '•"• ** •••« »•aviator. Be went r-fbi as

a.r Md ^ J T h S

LIBRARY HOURS?*1'' Thnrria3r»> 8»tuidajs-»'to

dvs. Weane«U,<fFrUay»-S.SOto

d i n legal holidayj.

scientifically correct, practi-cally proven heating princi-ples. Consult yourdealer orwrite direct to us. No mat-

- *£:**»*• y0"^ requlremetit*-g e , there's a Square Potpolleror Furnace to fill ftem..


bit?Trie das* of Fir,at Aid organized

for colored people of Crsnford. labeing Attended by twenty-oie pupilsin charge of Mrs. Daniel Burr andInstructed by Dr.*Brock of WestfleldThe tickets for the course nre onedollar. '

Or. Brock haB nuccoded so wellIn Interesting his class in First Alaknosledfje. that it U hoped a secondclan will succeed thu present one and

[give many other colored people the'P'ivUege \ Q f learning this work.Tho class meets every Friday evening at tbo library at nine o'clock.

The Department of Military Relief reports a total of 91 workersfrr the last week-3ari compressesand rolls, 94 bardnges and U pidawere finished.

Iho National headquarters sends«he following request: Twenty ex-p rieiced motor truck drivers, twen-ty hepl.rs aid ten expert mechanicsare needed at once by the AmericanBed Crois for service in France, ac-eording-to-a-rsblBd KdUist "Just" re-ceiv.d by the Rid Cross War CouncilicDaLMa jot Gray W P ^ l h

Offera of assistance along the lineof th. s} Red Cress needi • should bemsdi to A. W. Staub, Diree>or ofthe Atlnntic Division of the Ameri-can Red Cross, Metropolitan Tower.New York City, or to the nearestRed Cross ChapUr.


Quality Unrivaled. Service 1'romi't




iiMI, xr_.u aa, xa.ii, 1000 »«.

Somethlna wrwiff."There wa. a rtwp Mtmnkotnt « ,

OT right and a bleb wall on mj Wt,"explained the bkn.ia^i Stortei.Around a curve swept a big touring-

car ful of intoxicated Joj rlderm. IWas between Sc rllai and Cbarybdis."

-Ilold on," Internpted the Interest-ed; listener. "Von told me jost nowJOB were on the road between I'erklns-Tllle and Jackson's Gap when tbla ac-cident happened."

Unreasonable Request."Another scheme for ameliorating

prison life has gune to smash."

"A humane person suoested that ev-ery Inmate of a certain prison be a!-/owed to keep a pet In his cell." .


FINE BUILDING LOT;77 z 150 #1800


All Improvements. LargePlot. #6500.

Would I,edse to Respon-sible Party.

Inquire: Chronicle Office

d to k•"Wi'llt"'"A burglar named

wanted a goat."UlckV


—ttruhnj, HnrYmi


l i ^ ! ^ ° n t o n ^fflptonDESIRABLE LOCATION

. Bargain for Investor or BuildertChionlde1 Office

phy is in charge of the Red Crosamission to Frarce.

Tho mechanical squad will includemaster carpenters, body, builders,painters, machinists and electricians

l-twoeach. Tha trucks for whichdrivers are sought are of two-ton ca-pacity and will be used in the rapidtransfer of Red Cross supplies fromsesports to their destinations, a scr-Vice made necessary by tho congestedcondition of the railroads In France.• Volunteers Ibeyond military pg<|have been asked for this service bj)the. American Red i Cross' to work!


»9»M, mam,

uwi, , xi.ii, nur. e. xow,«»««. lowlalnflld.iu. tM

much of •

A. M.

1 For°Atlaii!lu'(,'ltr-8M,»MA.>l. Il3 67 turnfegoulj. S*ir , l l . ,»UD<UT», »t#A. M T i n

"«" Bicept Mawsrk.1 Throfxh tnlo tfi> Nawtrk. | n

Dayqe—Ia Do Pridebridge player!' Payne—No; when his partner asks)

"Shall I playr be always answers:"Go ahead." •

JOB PRINTINGat Reasonable 'Prices

Letter HeadsBill Heads Tickets

Business CardsEnvelopes . Posters

PamphletsBooklets Programs

Anything in theline of printing



FIREThe only Ihinff that! may fandbetween ypu and ruin i t your FireInsurance Policy. Protect yourself,for fires come lo rich and pooralike.

S. Markosson

Cver Try ItTTha opUft or hun

Nobo*r oticbt toJ4*u dt l

"•^•^"^^^"•"•• • •^^•• •^•• • • • • •"• • •^eB^BSsWpBa

I Drink Beer



i-» -—»-"« down prowsI» tiuly ardwNis «mfc

Can Vou Beat HfBarnett—How does tbe village eoo-

•table manage to collect so many antofines for exceeding the speed limit?

Tinker—You .won't give tbe schemeawny If I put yon next?

, Itnrnett—Of course notTinker— Well.'he got bu.<«y one night

•nd set the mile posts at every halfJulie.

UFEDo not eipcct friends and relatiresHcare for your itife and childrenafter you arc gone. A Life Insur-ance Policy is a real friend indeed.

AUTOMOBILE*Vou Insure your horse and yourpiano, why not your automobile? .II is far more hazardous than eitherthe others. The rates are low andCovers ANYWIIHE and from ANYCAUSE.

ACCIDENT_ InsuranceJias satedjnan): JLfamily— from actual »anr~ Can you afford ' "

to be without i t? -

TORNADOYou may stop a TIRE, but the WINDyou cannot, and it destroys hist the*-same. Find out how lime aTORNADO POLICY costs, it willsurprise you.

Ashes and Gar- INSURE and be SECURE

bage Collected

New JerseV

Usual Thing.„ Jlello, olil chap; I hear

vou ore hunting for a rich wife?KhortlelKh—Your hearing U RonI'pLonc—Haven't bnggttl anjrililng

Miortlolgh—Xotblng but tnr troo»ers.

of the I'oinpan.v Ishe c-onimuuidett iu^* locKtwl and it n"~management lo do


I tbe Company »illill on parties whont UM> water fromcplaJn rates, ternu.Ire, etc i

"•—because for the convalescent*-T*1M weak—the. exhausted-^beer is a recuperative beverage'with its imild, stimulating effecton the appetite, its aid to diges-tion and it» soothing effect on dienerves/V

|PRIVATE SE1AI] Wu nourishingbeet^of unrivalled stamina] qualities,WgMy'beneficial for Aote ia a run- .dbwn^condition of health regoamg «gentle stimulating tonic. Pure and per.fec£ u^ute^choicest ingredienU conWbme^jwth^icientific 1 metHodi. andbrewing tsHO.can make i t

An Insinuation.'HTfen I bettnn business for mj^oif.-

^nlil the pon.noui man, "I had nothing.Now I am worth a million."



a uir | " r l J fi'IHII 1B1.U,-

h o s e w h o did bas lne« with youyou begun once had the mlJ-


PRlKJTESEALionUul^mJ.\mrnj, alcohol nlih Urn mwdnai of[t^_qud&» ad f«X ralae. Order*cote from.jfoar ieder^ZODAY4

'SH that the lahd tfft ptt Qs

/e( us bel nown by

the qualifyojihe pianos

we sell


Te! 28-M Ganford, N. J.

Whether you wantan ApartmentGrand, an Upright,or a wonderful Re-producing Piano youcan choose from themost comprehensivedisplay of the best-made, p ianos inAmerica at this—New Jersey's Great-est—piano house.

A beautiful art cata-.JJI"t _wHl.,be.-_ae« upon- -request.


80HMQR ^ -. KRAXAUKR < p

H U U T * DAVIS tviRTnoLo -mcomvAr i



Griffith PiailO G>.605 Broad St, N«ftrarlc

Mrs. Flatte—Ia your rnilk baatmr-Iznl?

Mr. . Grauneck — Not tbe mill,mn'uta.. But one o* the coins la naa-lurlzed out In that clearln*. The otb-L-r'n Is stall-fed.

She Had a'Mission.She has beauty and bnttti.

She has cultnts uad iM-tBur she's stin a s p l ^

Because she h u

•lnfi«id. X I. *«i Strenuous Training."Dot nre 70a strong enough to aaa-

lle heavy trnnksr asked the botdnunaser of the UstttwHght appllcaat'or n" Job aa porter.

J "Sure- thlngv" auwweted tbe anpU.-ant.' ,SUj best jtfrl agttatea tbeat the ZKHibirad notefc,^. -,

SOLID COMFORTin winter depends nn even lieat iny°ur home. Heal dependson

•' COAL -Z-We offer you the best for every

purpose—furnace, stove, range or

+$104Let us know Jour needs and send Tjjf

j'ou-a load right away.

^Walter W. .3isd:ooiiey- -i•»«"•<>' «o OTU WRIGHT. Is>c. ' '*

. COAT,, 1VUMBER and MASON'S MATERIALTelepbone « ., OUWOiJ» . 1, 'Jfl

l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (6)


, Copyright IH* BcthfrMenffl Co.



' gynonsis, Rose Stantott, of moderate circ*mstances, marrieswealthy Badney Aldrich, on abort acquaintance, and for more than ayear Una in idleness and luxury In Chicago. The lira palls on her, ahalongs to do something useful, but decide* that motherhood will be a.Ms eBOjigh'Job. She hastwins, however, and they are put Into thecare of a professional nurse,- . Rose again becomes,Intensely dlssatis-Bed mith idleness, so over the violent protest of her doting husband ah*disappears Into the business world to make good on her own initiative,gets a Job in the chorus of a musical comedy In rehearsal and livesunder an assumed' name In a cheap rooming hoase. She, is well likedby the show producer because fcf her Intelligent efforts and he commis-sions her to help costume the chorus. Her fashionable friends think shehas cone to California on a long visit '•,'.. '

CHAPTER XVII^Contlnued., V - 1 ' - , - - 1 2 - . ";.•-, : : . ;

Boae. arriving promptly at the hour•greed Bpon, had a wait of fifteenminutes before-any of her sisters ofthe sextette or Urt. Goldsmith ar-rived. 1 ,dont want anything Justnow," she told the saleswoman. • Butshe hsdn'tin these few weeks of Clarkstreet; lost her air of one who willboy if she sees anything worth buy-ing. In fact the saleswoman thought,correctly, that she knew her, andshowed her the few really smart things

- UMT had In tfce store—«-PotretcTcntnggown, a couple of afternoon frocks

-fttraJetmlei-There^wasni much, she' admitted. It being Just between sea'

prise over bis having made a requestInstead of giving an order.

"Do you'think you'll be able' to <«D*vince Mrs. .Goldsmith,": she ; as! ;ed.as they walked down the east sldi. ofthe avenue together, "that her gownsdon't look well oh the Stager .1 . .' "Probably not" he said. "No, she

won't be convinced, and if I knowGoldsmith, hell say his wife's taste Isgood enough for him.. So if we want achange, we've a tight on our hands."

The way he had unconsciouslyphrased that sentence startled him.al i t t l e . ' , . . - ' : • / •-.•••• ' • . • ' " : • • • • • ; . " •

"The question Is," he went on,"whether they're worth making in fight

thinkabout '• Are they as tad as It h e y . a r e ) " . - ' - ' . . • . - . - • • ' • , • . - • . - '• ••:•

"Oh. yes," said Rose. They*!* dow-dy and fourth-class and ridiculous. Ofcourse I dont know how many people'in the audience would Jcnow that"

"And I-don't care," said John Gal-bralth. with a flash of intensity thatmade her look around at him. "That's

It's the cottnmer's loss and we canbuy those that Mrs. Goldsmith pickedout, or others that will do as well, atLeaslng"s. I think- that saving wUl bedecisive with them." r" ~ ^:

"But do you know a costum'errHose asked. ;

"You're the costumer," said Gal-bralth. "yon design the costumes, buythe fabrics, superintend1 the making ofthem. As for the woman you speakof,, well get the wfcrdrobe mistressat the Globe. I happen to know she'scompetent and she's at a loose endJust how, because her show Is closing

rf«d umxUton.ottim.vm.n^'rb*an, thoughts .and itunprtM of nh*

I must necessaru^b* palnfal. «*• 3 3I taken for granted. L , .

Hot with this sodden lighting np ofhope, she .flung the dosed door wideand called her husband back Into her'thoughts, (This hard thing that ahewas going to do—this tiling that meantsleepless nights, and, feverishly active'days—was- an expression simply ofher love for him—a sacrificial offeringto be laid before the shrine of himin her heart - . ,

Yet the fact that Rose's heart wasracing and her nerves we're tinglingwith a newly welcomejl sense of herlover's spiritual presence,' did not pre-vent her flying • along west on Ran*dolph street and south again on theWest side of State, with a very dear-ly visualized purpose. - Half an hourlater she hailed a passing cab and de-'posited In It one dressmaking form, ahuge, bundle of {taper • cambric—InblackV white and-washed-out blue, andher own weary but still excited andexultant se l l i . . . •-•' •''- •-.-:,

It was after eight o'clock when shereached her room. Rehearsal was ateight-thirty and she had had.nothingto eat since-noon. But she stole .thetime, nevertheless, t o tear the wrap-


^ »^^ap PI * • M w v ^ ^•w^l>B*Mm %444#^P | U S f V I •j^4WSB#S^B« 'fc^^ S SJgAA.' ' LJUVJ WvS>Sj"»r^

when ours opens, Tou'il buy the fob- pings off her "form" and gaze on Itsrics and you'll pay her. And what profit respectable nakedness for two or threeyou can make out of the deal, you're minutes .with" a contemplative —

• IUIUUU uer looKarouna.at him. "That'sI ShV found the other girls' on the I not a conslderatlpn I'll give any weightI point of departure. But Edna offered I to. Wh.n t n u t . » ~ J . . - " *.----point of departure,to wait for her., '. :.. "No, you run 'along," Rose said. T v esome errands, and I don't feel like see-ing a movie tonight, anyway,"

Edna looked a little odd'about It,but hurried along after the others.; .

A saleswoman—the same one themanager had assigned to Rose, underthe misconception, which that smartFrench 'ulster of her* had createdwhen she came Into the' store-r-aowcarae .around, behind, the .screen..togather up the frocks the girls had abed.


The rest of (he. sextette arrived In apair and atr ia One of. them squealed"Hello, Dane I" The'saleswoman wasshocked on seeing Rose nod an. ac-knowledgment of this "greeting/i sadJust shoot that time they heard Mrs.Goldsmith explaining Who she was andthe nature of her. errand to the man-ager. • . •' .. ' ' " •' :. •';.•

The sort of gowns she presently be-_ gan exclaiming over with delight, and

ordering put into the hes# of possi-bilities, wire horrible enough to havedrawn a .protest from the wax figuresIn the windows. TI)e more completelytfae fundamental lines of a frock weredisguised with sartorial scroll-sawwork, the more successful this ladyfelt it to be. An ornament to Mrs.Aoldsmlth, did not lire up to Its pos-sibilities, unless It In turn were dec-orated with ornaments. of i ts .own;like the fleas on the fleas of the dog.

Rose spent a miserable half-hourworrying over these selections of thewife of the principal owner of the

me," mlriBosej nh»"PoIret"mdderpiU-showedme before the-others came in? Tilt r y I t o n . " • . : ' . • •. ' • ; , ; ; . ' .. '":•:.', '. The saleswoman's manner >wss dif-ferent now, and "she grumbled1 some-thing about Its' being closing,time. •

"Then, if you'll brlngit at once./.."said Rose. And-the saleswoman wenton the errand. ./•".. r "', •

Five, minutes, later, Galbralth, fromstaring gloomily at the mournful heapof trouble Mrs. Goldsmith had, left onhis hands, looked up. to confront avision that made htm gasp."-"ra=r'*'"T

"I wanted you to see If you liked

—„.. _ .«.Mw,«uiiu.i at--Kiv« any weignito. When I put a production under myname, It'a the best,I can make withwhat I've got' When I have, to takeo cynical view, and try to get by withbad Work because most of the. peopleout In front won't know the difference,n i go out to my little farm on LongIsland and raise garden truck."< There was another momentary si-lence, for. the girl made no commentat all on. this statement of bis credo,lint he -felt, sore, somehow, that she iumlerstood it* and • presently he1 went I

entitled to. I'll finance you myself. If | Then, reluctantly—It was thethey won't take what we; show them',why, you'll be out your time andtrouble, and Til be out the price ofmaterials-and the woman's'labor." '

"I don't think It would be fair," shesaid, and she found difficulty in speak-ing at all because of a sudden dispo-sition of her teeth to chatter—"I don'tthink it would be fair for me to takeall/the profit and you take all therisk." •• • • • ' . . •'• ' • • • • ••' ' • .

"Well, I can't take any profit,,tharsclear enough," he said; and she'no-ticed nowji tinge of amusem*nt In hls>

on speaking,

this,'1' said Rose."If I like it!" he echoed. "Look

' show, fedlng she ought to put upsome sort of fight and. hardly deterred

, by the patent futility of such a course.AU the .while she kept one eye onthe door and prayed for the arrival ofJohn Galbralth. '.,.

He came in Just as Mrs. Goldsmithfinished her task—Just when, by sprocess of studious elimination, everypassable .thing In the. store had beendiscarded, arid the twelve most utterlyhopeless ones—two for each girl—Jsldaside for purchase. The girls weredispatched to pot on the evening frocksfirst, and wese then paraded1 before

. the -director, -.L^_i_i'..-i.i.~ .—~r---_.,He was a diplomat and he was, quick

on his feet. Base, watching his facevery closely, thought that SOT Just asplit second she caught a gleam of in-effable horror.. But It was gone soquickly she could almost have believedthat she **^ been mistaken. He didn't•ay much aboat the costumes, bat heswld It so promptly- and adequatelythat Mrs. Goldsmith beamed with pride.

i She sent the. girls away to. put on theother set—the afternoon frocks; andonce more the director's approbation;though laconic, was one hundred per

-I* • e o t p o r c c •- ,p . v . . • • . " ' • 'That's an.- he said In sudden dis-

missal of the sextette. "Rehearsal at


'•r' V&S'ti them scurried like childrenlet oat of school around behind the set

rot screens that made an extemporane-ous dressing room, and' began chang-ing In a mad scramble, hoping to get

: away and to get/tbdr dinners eatensoon taoogh to enable them to see thewhole bfll at a morle sbowT>ef ore thS

' wren!ngVrtheMS»I^l..:._^._-. .„..-;--,.-7 Bot Bo»e remained hanging about,a couple of paces away from whereCalbralth was talking to Mrs. Gold-smith. The only question that re-mained, be was telling her, was wheth-er her selections Were not too—well,too refined, genteel, one might say, for

Jti* staged. ;-;>:'.\\y::: '...•;;' "''-•*''/:-He wasnt looking at her as he

talked, and presently, as his gaie wan-Acred aboot the store. It encounteredDose's face. She hadn't prepared i tfor tte^enconmer, and It wore, hardly

rowA a took of humorous apprecla-tioo. * His sentence broke, then oon>

3>l«ted;ltself. She turned away, butj ^ n e x t ; moment be called out to her:^ t s y i r o a watting to see me, D i n e r

T^ ~ «•• t u v CU4WU. "LJOOKherel If you knew, enough to pickout things like that why did you letthat woman waste. everybody's timewith Junk like this? Why didn't youhelp her out!"

"I couldn't have done much,"'Rosesaid, "even If my offering to do any-thing hadn't made her angry—and Ithink It would have. -Ton see, she'sgot lots of taste, only It's bad. She-wasn't bewildered a bit She knewJust,what she wanted, and she got ItIt's the badness of these things shelikes. And I thought. . . . . . ." Shehesitated a little over this . . . "Ithought that It would be easier tothrow them all out and get a freshstart"

He stared at her with a frown ofcuriosity. "That's good sense," hesaid.- "But why should you bother tothink of i t r

Her color came up perceptibly as aheanswered., "Why--1 want the piece tosucceed, of course . . ." Rose turnedrather suddenly to the saleswoman. "Iwish you'd get that little Empire frockIn maize and' cornflower," she said."I'd like Mr. Galbralth to see thattoo." And the saleswoman, now pla-cated, bustled away. -

"This thing that Tve got on," saidIlose swiftly, "costs a hundred andfifty' dollars, but I know I can copy Itfdr twenty. I can't get the materials

[.exactly, of course, but ,1 can come.near enough." ,., .

"Will you'try this one oni.mlss?"asked the saleswoman, coming on thescene again with the, frock she hadbeen sent for. ..

"No," said Rose. "Just hold it up."Galbralth admitted It was beautiful,

but wasn't overwhelmed at all as hehad been by the'other.

"It's not quite so much your style,is It? Not drive enough?"

"It Isn't for me," said Rose. "It'sfor'Edna Larson to wear In that 'AllAlone' number for the sextette."

Galbralth stared at her a moment

_,J:Wou!dJt be possible,, do you think,to get better, gowns that would alspbe cheaper? ' That argument wouldbring Goldsmith aroupd In a hurry. It'sridiculous, of course, but that's 'thetftoubie with making a production,foramateurs. ' You spend more time fight-ing them than yoq do producing-theshow." ' '•':• • ~

"I don't believe," said Bose, "thatyou could get.better ready-made cos-tumes a lot cheaper; the two or threewe might be able to find wouldn't helpu s m u c l u " ' i ; • : • • • • ' • • • ' • . ' • • " ' \ •• : . ^ ; 1 " . - ^ ; . . i ; _ \ J _

•And I suppose," he said aublo"It's out of the question getting

voice. "You- see I'm retained—bodyand soul—to put this production over.I can't make money.out of those fel-lows on the side. But you're, not re-tained. You're employed as a memberof the chorus. And, so far, you're noteven -paid-for the wortrydu'^iHom'g;So long as yon work to ray satisfactionthere on the. stage, nothing more. coolbe" asked of you. As for the risk,' Idon't believe it's serious. I don't thinkyou'll fall down on the Job,' and I don'tbelieve Goldsmith. and Block willthrow away a chance to save somemoney." . • ,. \- ;

And then he pressed her for an Im-mediate decision. The Job would be agood deal of a scramble at best, as thetime was short' They had reached theKandolph street.end of the avenue, anda policeman, like Moses cleaving theBed sea, hod opened a way through

any other way than ready.made f thaiis, and cheaper, too."* i - - ; , , | i,

The only sign of excitement therewas.In thd girl's .voice when1 she an-

~ , « H . v| .».vU . H n n j |JJ1WU|U

the tide of motors for a throng of pe-d e s t r i a n i , ' | • ' . '. - ? i •;-;"• ''•

"Cometacross here," said GalbraitS,taking her by the arm1 and stemmingthis 'current with: her. "We've got tohave a minute of shelter to finish thisup In," and he led her into the northlobby of the public library,' The stale,baked air of the place almost madethem gasp.,- But'anyway, It was quietand altogether deserted. They couldhear themselves think In there, he said,and led the way to a marble benchalongside the staircase.

Rose unpinned her veil and, to-hissurprise, because, of course she. wasgoing In a minute, put it Into her ulsterpocket'. But curiously enough,' thesight of her face only Intensified nnimpression that had been strong uponhim during the last part of their walk—the Impression that, she was a longway off. It wasn't the familiar con-templative brown Study,- either. Therewas an active, eager excitement aboutIt that made It more beautiful, thanhe had ever seen'It before. But Itwas. as If she were looking at some-thing he couldn't see—listening towords he couldn't hekr.

L "Well,'! he said a little Impatiently,"are you going to do It?"

And at that the.glow of her wasturned fairly upon .him,, "yes." shesaid, "rm^olngto~d6'H£"T "suppose-" Imustn't thank you," she,went ou,/'be-cause you. say It Isn't anything you'redoing for me. .But It.U—^ great thingfor me—greater—than I could tell you.And I won't-fail. You needn't be

eye.- . _, — first

time -she had left that room with re-luctance—she turned out the light andhurried off to the little lunch roomthat lay on the way to the dance hall.

It was during that first rehearsal,which she so narrowly, missed beinglate .for, that- She -got,'the .general,schemes for both ' sets (of costumes..She began studying the1 girls for their:Individual peculiarities of style. Eachone of the costumes ahe made was go-ing to be for. a.particular girl.

At last when a shout l!rom Gal-bralth aroused her to the fact thatshe had missed an entrance cue alto-gether, In her entranced absorption i nthese vision's of hers, and had causedthat unpardonable thing, a stage waitshe resolutely clamped down the lidupj- her imagination and, until theywere'rtismlssed, devoted herself to therehearsal. ,•''>•'_•''. ' ._, __-J...:....

;'..:.-But'1*-the*" pressure*-™' keptT^nYouhtlng

higher, and. higher, and (he found her-self furiously impatient to get away,back to her own private wonderland,the squalid little room .down"tha:

street that had three-bolts of cam-bric In It and a dressmaker's manne-e,uln*-the raw materials for her magic 1

Hose ' couldn't draw a bit Shehadn't the faintest Impulse to make a'beginning by putting a picture downon paper and making'a dress from Itafterward.,. She couldn't have told Jnstwhy she had bought those three shadesof paper cambrje. ' •"./; • ' ,l-..;.•••,•••..What,she had felt, of course, at thevery outset, was the need of somethingto Indicate, roughly,- the darks andlight* In her design; And,'short of thewild extravagance of slashing Into thefabrics themselves and making hermistakes at their expense,'she: couldthink of nothing better than; thescheme she chose..• ' Rehearsal was dismissed a littleearly, that night and she was back Inher room by eleven. Arrived .there,she took off her outer clothes, .satdown cross-legged on the floor, andwent to work. * .

When at last with a little sigh, anda tremulously smiling-' acknowledg-ment of fatigue, she got np and lookedat her; watch. It was four o'clock Inthe morning. She d had one of thoseexperiences of which every artist canremember a few In .his life, when It isImpossible for anything to go wrong;when the vision miraculously betters,itself In the execution; when the only•difficulty Is that which the hands haveIn the" purely mechanical operation ofkeeping up. : '.:.-•" . . .^^-; , . , ; • : /

.'., There eomes Into Rose's lifea new crisis which" means more

.ant d«velopments In the story.


Thickened, Swollen TIWUCLCurbs. Filled Tendons, Sore-ness,from Bruises or Strains;•lops Spavin Lameneii, ilUyi paia.Does, not bliitcr, remove the ha orlay'up the horse 12.00 a bonk

at dniRgtiti or delivered. Book 1 M free.ABSORBINE, JR., for manlcind-u

intiieptic liaimenl for brtiiiei, cuti, nouadi,itniiis, paiaful, swollea veiny or gljndt, -Iuhe»Ii »n<I •6Sthe£ il.00~» bottle at drug-gitti or poitpaid. VVilUell you mon if TWwrite. Made in tbcU. Sr A. feT-~ „

Governed by Impulses.., "Any .questions)" asked th« Instruc-tor of the Second battery of the Muttdivision,' lifter the completion of >morning period u-lilch the mon hudspentron'r horseback' ait Ft Ilarrlnon, (says' Indlnnupolls News. . ' ,

; "Captain," asked Ralph Lockw'ood of'Indlanapolig, "wftuldn't It be' possible,'to develop artillery homes tintt would?Start and stop like automobiles, andwould guide with' a steering wliMl?/This horso I have seeinH to bo CUT-erned by Impuloes oVer which I haven p c o n t r o l . " ' ; i ••''••"

Then, "Put on your street things," hesaid brusquely. T i l wait" . '


• A Business Proposition.Batting around In the back of John

Galbralth's mind was an unwordedprotest against the way Rose had Jnstkilled her own beauty, with a thickwhite Tell, so nearly opaque that all Itlet him see of her face was an intersmlttent gleam of her eyes. The busi-ness between them was over, andall/she was waiting' for was a wordof dismissal, to nod

"Are They as Bad as I Think TheyAret"'

swered, was a sort of exaggerated mat-ter-of-factness. "I could design thecostumes and pick out'.the materials,?she said, "but we'd have to get a goodsen-ing woman—perhdps more thanone—to get them' done." -

He wasn't greatly surprised; Per-haps the notion that ahe might suggestsomething of the sort-was responsiblefor the tentative, dubious way In whichhe had said he supposed :H%. couldn'tbe done.

"You've had—experience In design-Ing gowns,: have your Galbralthasked.. "Only ior myself," she admitted.

'"But I know I can do that part of I tFm not'good at sewing, though"—shereverted to the other part of the plan."I'd have to have1 somebody awfullygood, who'd do exactly, what' I toldher." .* - ••

"Ob, that can be managed,",he saida little absently, and at the end of a

He counted out a hundred and twen-ty dollars, which he handed over toher. She folded It and put It away Inher wrlstbag. The glow of her hadn'tfaded, but once more i t was turned onsomething—or someone—else. It wasn't,until he rose a little abruptly from themarble bench that -she' roused herselfwith a shake of the head, arose tdo,iand once more faced htm. ••• • •1 "You're right about our having to_hurry," she skid, and before he could"find the first,ol! the words,he wanted,she had given him that curt farewellnod which from the first had- stirred,and warmed him, and turned away:towartJtb£doorr~~"~T:

vr.:;.;.:;;:.:,;;:-And- she had nevef seen what was

fairly shining in his face. . " • :She couldnt, of course, have tni/Med

a thing as plain as that but for av com-plete preoccupation of,, thought andfeeling that would have left her ob-livious to' almort; anything that couldh a p p e i ; t o ; i i e ^ | | ' " ; " ' ' - " ; " : •'--•-•"-•••



, Luminous Eyes.among mammnls,

among birds, says 17. H. Hudson In hisbook "Idle Days in Patagonia," are themost/highly favored \of any"creatures,

i n the matter.of luminous eyes.,- "The.feline eyes, as of. a puma or wildcatblazlpg wiU> wrath, sometimes Affectone like an electric shock; but for in-tense brilliance the 'yellow globes ofthe owl are unparalleled." Mr. Hud-son asserts that nature^has. done com^paratively little for the human eyeeither in these terrifying' splendors orIn beauty. , Be says that in Brazil hewas greatly Impressed with the maginlflcejitappearanc* of many of the ne-gro women; but that if they had onlypossessed the "golden Irides" of certain. Intensely black tropical, birdstheir "unique loveliness" would havebeencotnjlete.—Outlook. '.'"••'•,_"v;-; •.-.-,

Th* Eye of the NightOne ofterhoon, Deliuli, a little col-

ored girl," had seen an automobile ranover a- white -woman;/ Tlmt nlglit tlieyoungster's mother^ n lauiidreHS, couldneithpr .pcrsnnde nor cnmiiel Di-llohto deliver a bundle of - the day's wusb-Ing. /

'No—no—inol" wnlled the excitedchild. "If/dem auto rnnns cnlnt feea wliite lady In dc middle of di> dor.how'Bdey a gnine to see me In dedark.?'-'

/ Improved, But Not Cured.' "Don't you think her voice Is to-

ed?" 's, but not" cured."—Life.

There are more rats than human be-ings In the United States, imd even"rat Is a food waster. ' *

Swift feet get a man out of lots .oftrouble that l)ls .tongue sets him into.

restlessly. At last:d

cold to"01

, . . „ „ - > H : U<J MUII, upturninghis sUence.i"Ishall tell Goldsmith and

- :IUim^E'^ort«X'i:of'^U»ugh^,h<«^r^^^%hIch:^n^^e4;Jier'.Was. so, Intenie; aSialmpst to '• evoKe asense4'o^4|i!||'p^c^;:preiMe«;!offth"esubjertofthem^f that big, powerful-

mm^&®^ffi3BBmfflmmmffllnde^L-who loved.

husband of hers.


z~yrr--, »>»=iueut of jtheis^EssSSS'aiSS^

stallation of thaBuoco*ck is one ofg u i h d l d|SlijMptt^^<toc^:garteners^h^



Preparingfor Tomorrow

.. - Many people seem ableto driidc coffee for a timewithout apparent harm, butwhen health' disturbance,even though slight, followscoffee's use, it is wise toinvestigate. ""*** ^

Thousands of homes,frnwBwaTfoun(rfo

chavechanged thetable drink to

Postum;With'unproved health.

and,'it;uusually follow*die change.rnade becontesapemanenViQnel 'It"P«P

''Iq .'addition'.to

p y/icome. Into

«iiis. a condluoid

tr»,V •*0Ilr»u^i»J"ientlne Bepubllc s| " M ore not now avaI"* »Hnatlqni because ,

1 "id ihe-«hortage

el ItP«Pthe health


l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (7)


unfit to do mi

™-d, 'Which Ufaevery way~I '

»1X Lynn, Man, ^


fducei Bursal Enlargtrarnu,IckBned, SwoUen TIMUULb ^ Filled Tendons, Sore-i from Bruiaet or Straini. Spavin Lanjeneu, ilUyi paia,• not bUitcr, remove the hur orup the horae.^,2.00 a bonk>r delivered. Book 1 M free.1INE, : JIL,' for mankind—aintent for brtiiiei, cuti, riouadi,

«id. VVilUell rou mor« if mee intheU. S.-A, bv

'erned by Impulses,stlonu?" asked the lustruc-econd battery of the Mutt'ter the 'completion of iHod which the men hudorsebaek at Ft. Jhirriwu,upollB News. '' asked Ralph Loekwood of<. ."wouldn't it bo' possible ,irtlllery homes tlim would Itop like automobiles, and|i with tt steering wheel]/I have Beeinx to be eov-ipuUes over which I have

Eye of the Night,loon, Delinh, a little col-I seen nn automobile ranwoman, ' Thut night the

uotheiv n laundress, couldmde nor compel Delluhmndle of the day's wusb-

io!" wnlled the excitedenl nuto rnnn.s cnlnt seeIn de middle of.de day,gwlno to see me In de

:d, But Not Cured.t think her voice Is Im-

|)0t not cured."—Life.

nore rats than human he-Jnlted States, uud everrwaster.

jet a man out of lots .of1

)ls .tongue gets him Into.



| Western Canada1917 Crops fti::->Ckiorj;Shap«.:.,,- • •;

While It Is a little early

New York,—Life

SKfc. . . •1 . „. .7.— _ 1 • . • >PW ( l a t u U V D

•rill prodnee, there la every Indicationit the present writing that the Vttirrop will gl»e an excellent return. Be.p rtH received irom al|-porU6ni"bfManitoba, Saskatchewan and Albertarpeufc of, good growing weather afoirly advanced, state oi au grains,vith protpectsas good as in the pasttwo year* Should condltlpna con-linueat at prwnt. It la safe to coa-

,j|ude that Western Canadian farm-irs, already; free of debt. a« a re-

^ ^ W | « ? < l « < « P « « n < I p r 4Wghprices, expect from ttta *«-

-s returns to be In a position that

.. .existence„ — on In America ioday. are

great temptation*. To stick to thestraight, and narrow path of clothes,and clothes- only. Is difficult '"•—

' { There Is no lack of a certain kindof frivolity this summer. We shallall go on a path of moderate amuse-ment until tbe war becomes too stu-pendous and Is too full of terror forus to laugh. Let us each pray to Godthat that wl|I never happen I

America is a bit too stupendous, asegment of the earth's stirf.ace to feela foreign war -acutely. She Waypour out her men, ber sympathy,- hermnnair and co-operate in every Way

velveteen skirt,, was" t ie "idea ofyoung matron who usually hasown way in clothes and who 'quently attract* attention toaud'has many followera. * . ._ The Introduction of the Jerkin ofKobln Hood's day, made in

> re..The arraige of Yfrntera Canada win

be about theaame as last year. Seed-ing was somewhat, later than lastfenr. but germination was qnlcker Thesnly possible d r a w b k

, - toward ,« . .« ,an, Invading army,' with'

. was advancedfields of this country ia far more fashloBablitie sweater. ,

Another.. experiioencan women. Which coum not nave ItsSourec.ln Paris, Is/the'' universal useof immense garde* hats trimmed with'brilliantly colored flowers,* as" a partof city apparel. The American world-la quite used to the great hat of strawIn country-gardens, on beaches and onthe benches of athletic fields,'.but this

f g n wasnly possible drawback now wouldieem;rto be a scarcity of harvest iaada.but It I* felt by thjB a^awintles that Oe•Ituotlon will be prefry well cared for6y that time.... , , : : . . ™

Land raluea are increasing, but th«*« rooni for a much greater IncreaseItao "» tKP~t . pwto, ,o uw Wturna

will jnve when com-d

( » ! ^ ' » twt. to soine dlstrtcuthat could have been b

f J

. ,»U.UB army, wiin I so-called country hats.on the street, tohe> colossal Industries undisturbed. I the restaurants, ami for all manner ofwith her wealth nna climate, and I social Hfc. '• "with the great mam »'«""»1"'-'1 :' '" — "

is the first summer that women Ingreat centers of activity have worn the,so-called country hats.on the street, tothe retttnumntu n« i • « - " — - - '

«n.l that could have been boughtflro)«.r« «go for J15 an acre Is changingbancteoe SOO.an acre.,uie aeUer d !«l(that he I, girttg , h oood value for his money. And why

tot. when It is known ttst ,„ „ ^

with the great mass o f unrelated peo-ple of all nationalities. It Is not pos-sible for her to t a k e - t h e war asFrance takes I t : / '•'/'• ;

A s long a s there-is money, a chanceto wear, good clothes, j ind no reasonsagainst .doing It, there jwlli; be fash-ions In plenty. ;• • / •••..•

Individuality la Shown. 'Individualism has suddenly raised

Its bead above uniformity. The. rea-son Is simple.' T h e . early Frenchmodels .which dominated fashions,were sold out In a hysterical waveof bargains early in the spring.


beencrown on this hind

acre. over."and

f ^.....iv u«t.jr iu iue f

Nothing has taken their place. Ourdesigners bare not risen to the oc-casion In a mass as many of theclothes critics in America thought theywould. If given, a chance.'...You kaawr-there-haa-'beeti a'etrohg'propaganda- for a half, dozen yearsIn regard to the wholesale uscjrf ourdesigners -to' Be'doralhaut creators, Ifgiven an opportunity by the public.

New Kinds of Walsteoata. , • . , • •Another Individuality which has been

brought out. Is the waistcoat'of check-ed sl(k or cotton- with a round, yokecollar of Itself, also a cravat finishedIn a sailors loop with two«hds..'.' •

'Time- was when' we always consid-ered It necessary* to wear, an."entireshirtwaist iiod«r a coat.-. Today, sincegood, taste demands that, we do not sitIn public In out shirtsleeves, .the neekvwear people-have reaped • harvestthrough the various kinds of sleeve-less bodices which they have Intendedto go ondcr a coat as a substitute fora blouse. Organdie,, chiffon and whitemuslin In various weaves nre conven-tional fabrics- to use for these frontethat allow the coat to be unbuttoned,If not removed

fcEV. p. B. FITZWATER, D. »..5r-*ner of Bnsllah Bible In the MoodyMble IniUtuta of Chicago.) ' -:~•—•-••• "IT. Wiatwn Ntynp*v*r Union.)


MANAS8EH'S 8IN AND REPENT.. ' - , . • • • ' ' . A N C E . • ; • - . / • • ' . ,

LS88OK TEXT-II Chronlclfi H-1-Srt'GOLDEN TEXT-Let the wicked for-

sake hi* way,.and th» unrlshteoui manhteth'ouchta: and let htm return unto theLord, and he will have nervy upon htm;and to our Ood. for be will abundantlypardon.—Isaiah KlT. ' „ '

The reign of Manasseh was the long-est of any of tbe kings of Judah. It isstrange that a' wicked- king shouldhave the. distinction of the longest~'»" This can be accounted for, per-

iy the fact that the nation wnisuch a state that their

-' Calling the Master.^Caller—Are you the. master of toe

Aouoe?He—Why? , ;Caller—I am the Inspector, of nuis-

ances, and have called t o -He (going to the foot of the stairs)

—Mother-in-law, you're wanted I—London Tlt-Blts.

Preliminaries."I wont, dear, to give n blow-oof

. .Then first, my own, we must raisethe wind." ! • .

I There's more profit' In smoking her-'rinif * K - « - I — : — - - - -

Well Covered. .. iA benevolent old lady saw an an*

fortunate motorist coining out fromunderneath a wrecked car. ;

"My pnor boy," she said, "are yoncoverwir . , _ „ . . . '•--

•Tfs," replied the motorist "withmud, blond, chagrin and Insurance!"—London Opinion.

Spain lust yenr Imported 1C.S80 tunsof coffee, conipnreil with 15,07-1 tons In1015 and 13,873 In 1014.

•When a^bjushaji(rai(!dl£»-.away~hlBT—tltne~and a wffc harp*|on ou« string ;

. the Jiouiestmdins areas offerat Inducement* for those who are

killing to do a little pioneering'for aIra roar two. By that time settlementaJ l d come' Into 'existence, and this

eaui a condition similar to Uuten-tyed by many of the older settlementa

pf toHay-^schools. chnrcbes, rallwaya.h i e land la of high-clas» quality.Itrong' and vigorous, easily ; worked,ind, capable of producing the very bestif/cropa. *

Tb* demand for all grains for some>ani will be great, and It will requireII the resource* of man. beast andnil to meet It. That the'price* wille good gOea without saying, but at the.

iresent time there Is something moreppenllng than the lucrative priceshut prevail. Tbnt is, the desire'tossist In winning the world war. The

nun at the plow is doing his "I>iC *«dhe spirit of pntriotiKm that prevai*rilr lead him Into a broader sphere ofrtl'on. Mo mutter where he may be hei-III look about him that lie may findIIml to further develop the country'sresources. It is possible that his owntnte tuuy furnish the land. In whichuse he will be quirk to bike adxnn-

of Hie otter. If land I In hisiun state Is not avnilable, 1,'uniidano«- our ally) will be glad to furntFb"i In unlimited quantity, as she Is rltal-r Interested,In largely Increasing theupply of foodstuff which is now asircently needed and Is as valuable aaiiumuulllon to .the allied countries.

The nppeal made by Mr. Hoover,U Suites controller of foods, and

ilsn u.v Hon. W. J. Hnnna, Canadian«Dtroller. emphasizes the need of !helilies, urges economy and the preren-ion of the wast^'ln food..and be-ipenks ffhole-bVarted public co-opera-

lion. Spehki'ag'of Great Britain.France. Italy, Belgium dnd their Etftopeun alller. they say;

"Kor iienrly three yean their man>wer has been engaged In the direct

rork of war, and In.some cases largerens of their most productive lands>are been overrun by the enemy. Theirood shortage and the food to supplytie armies of Canada and the DnltedStates must be wholly provided from

kbit tide of the Atlantic. The supplynut alsd be sufficient to rorer losses

^ ton. Australia..Mew Zealand, the

EArrentlne fiepnbllc and other conn-lea are not now available to relieveJe situation because of their remote-

« and lne-«bortsge of tonnage.

—.. -..... =..«.,u uu/ uesire to takeadvantage of It . . .' -• '.' . •

On the other hond, the Americanwomen have shown some extraordi-nary ';. good work In origination.Now, this Is 4psf where the reform,as the critics of French clothes callIt should start. Paris has dependedon its well-dressed women to lead theway in - clothes for. three centuries.America has depended on its

If not removed^,^^^^^^,^,^..^,,,.™.^"*''BuT"tfi'f new note Is tho departure

( from the white to the chocked fabric*._4!dy?S^SolMed_4ers«3<-sulti»eBrrtcir/B'waistcoat made of heliotrope and whltochecked taffeta'.. A dark blue sergecarries a waistcoat-of blue and white.checked gingham. A natural coloredpongee coat suit has a front of geranVlum red jind yellow checks. Bluck and,white gingham or taffeta Is used, forthe full waistcoat of an oyster whiteJapanese silk suit '.. •••'. -

These little garments are reallysleeveless blouses; they're not evenfirst cousins to the long,' tight-fitting.

h a state that their ldolatrou*corruption needed to go to Its fullestdevelopment It'seems to be neces-sary In a world of free beings, thattheir actions mutt go to a certainstage of development- It wus'so withthe Inhabitants of Canann before thatland was.possessed by-Israel. Israelwas -kept In Egypt until the Iniquityof that nation was full. In this casudoubtless the Xord permitted this togo oa until the idolatrous prnctlcelwould hecome extremely obnoxious.

I. Manasseh's 8ln (vv. 1-0). Thoughlie had the example of a good father,be with passionate endeavor guve him-self up to the Imitation of the heathenabout him. This shows that gmce Isnot Inherited; agopdnfather may havtia bad son. It also tenches us that Itla absolutely necessary fo bring thegrace of Ood Into vital touch with our•chlldivn-fiiv »t,s»"WoVi."i-"^n.;-r'r-.""

- """At. -•<»•• vBvra I W HAHY. wiH produce the %LEEPFBOM WHiCH THEBE IS NO. WAKINQ. Many are the children whohave been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, lauda-num and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggistsare prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at aJJ, orto anybody without labelling them " poiaon." - The definition of "narcotic"ia i "A medicine which rtlitvu pain and produces tleep, but tehich in poison-ovxAot* produce* ttvpor, coma, eonvuUion$ and death." The taate and:amell of medicines containing opium are disguised,' and fold under the namesof" Drops,"" Cordial*," "Bootblng Syrups, etc, Youahould not permit any .medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician-knowof what it is composed, CASTORIA: DOES NOTCONTAIN NABCOTiS, if it bears the signatureof Cbas. H.Fletcher. : -• " ' tOeaains Castorl* always bean the signature of <

Profit From Wheat

first cousins to the long, tight-fitting,fouls XVI waistcoat which the Frenchhave put into the topcoats and circq-- „—., .u.v iue iu|ivuuilf unu CirCQ-

shops lar cn'pes for motoring. They are nb-

.... -— o.»v=Tsra!)SbTutciyessential to their salvation. Only his

;PSSl-£WU?9W»tMacL=theI downwardptiil of sin. ...' ' 1. He restored the high places tf-hlchbad been destroyed by his father(v. 8). It Is thus seen, that he soughtto undo the good work done by bitfather. ; , '• -' . ; , . - , . - j . ^ ,

2. He erected altnra to Banl (v. 3).OThe Idols worshiped on these altarsseem to have been.Images of licen-tious appearance, prpvoklng the Indul-gence of the human passion. There-fore, with this worship was coupledtbe grossest licentiousness.

Here are three pretty garments that make «n appeal to women., FirstIs a riding coat for the street. It la of heavy- homespun linen, made withslightly flaring sides. It Is worn overs narrow, plain skirt of black Velvet-een. Next Is a pongee frock with orange stitching.' .This Is laid In small

- plaits held down with rows of hemstitching. The bands are bright orangelinen, and the button* match In color. A sleeveless coat of green linen/comes last. -It Is mads like a medieval Jerkin and Is worn over a frock ofrssscolorsd linen wtth white collar and cuffs. Skirt Is embroidered In bolddesign In Roumanian colors.

g t licentiousness.8. He Introduced the" star worship

Of tho Chaldeans and Assyrians (v. 8).He even erected these altars In thobouse of the Lord, placing1 them on 8level with God himself. ' ' '

4. He set up Moloch In the Vale ofHlnnon (v.'O). Ho not only encour-.aged this worship on the part of oth-ers, but be even caused his own chil-dren to pass through the fire.

5. Be practiced mnglc, witchcraft,and dealt with a familiar spirit (v. 0).So gross were these practices thatthey,did.even worse than'-the htmthenwhom Ood had .destroyed before theChildren of Israel came Into the land.

6.- He rejected the lord's testimony.(v. 10). Doubtless the prophets hndagain and again admonished him, buthe seems to have turned entirely asidefrom such-remonstrances.

II. Manasieh's Chaatliement (w< 11-13).. The Lord In grace used the As-syrians to chastise MunnRRcli, so us tobring him to see his'evil ways. Howas captured, perhaps while' hidingamong the' thicket of thorns (v. 11),bound in chains and carried to Baby-lon. This was most humiliating. Hishands were manacled, bis ankles fas-tened together with rings nnd a bar.

III. Manaoeh's Repentance, (w. 12."18). . Fortunately, the chastisem*nthad its desired effecf. Mnnnsseh wasbrought to his senses nnd turned fromhis evil ways. The steps, in bis re-pentance are as follows: .-

1. Affliction (vM2). This was mostsevere. Bound with chains and dragged

|to Babylon. While this was severe. It

The war's devastation ofEuropean crops has causedah unusual demand forgrainfrom the American Conti-nent The people of the world mustbe fed and wheat near $3 a bushel

"r^^o^*'ir?^i^o'fll"biti/*^fl!*. especially attractive. She wants

LUEttteatojnakemooejtand happy,"prosperous homes for themstlves byhtlpins liet tab* immenw wbert crop*.

an ladnatrr a* srala rais>of niml an Uw only

Good aebeola.

O.O.RUTLEDOESOt EMI OCMSM St, SjracsM. N. T.—•, Cunndtftn Oovirnratnt Avtnt

Promise Easily Kept"Your, honor,' let me off this time

and I'll never appear before youagain," pleaded the culprit

"Am I to take this UM a promise toreform?" • • - •.

. "You, your honor. Arid I.might addthat* I nm on my wny to Aiistrullu. IfI should happen to hnckslldo, someother court would nttend to my case."

HAVE SOFT, WHITE HANDSClear Skin and Good Hair by

Cutlcura—Trial Free.Uilng

The Labor Scarcityis a serious problem to the fanner.In factories and industrial pleats the prob-lem ia solved by the use of modem Ubor-MTJng machinery.

solved by tmachinery.y

Delco-Light•• 'he greatest labor>eaver on the rerov-on'

iy larma it lakes the place of'tha hiredi, DELCO-UGHT U an inupenaiva —


The Soap to cleanse anil purify, theOintment to soothe and heal.1' Besidesthese fragrant, super-creamy emol-lients prevent little skin troubles be-— " - - ' ' kecplnp the pores

•Imple electric light and power plant. Thefarmer can do more and better work withwell lighted bams and house, and the powerfrom DELCO-LIGHT will run milking ma.chine, churn, separator, water tyilem, etc.The farmer's wife can use it to waah and


and dressmakers over here to leadthe way with French models. ThereIs' a vast gulf of difference betweenthe two procedures. ..*' ' '

Women and Experfmenta.There is no doubt of the fact that

women who are experts in the art ofdressing and Choosing clothes have

,. , threatens.'Inadequate to meet the

" ' n e b y ^ r y 1 1 ^ " ^ " ^ 1 ' ^»jnake up the

' 1-1*

SJei "!^ai0*•**-«UIed forces.Uon •?"« »• Mtfannl self-denUI and

^ n n | co-operatJon to provide ths

mer In branching out 6n successfulexperiments. : There: may have 'beensome tailor or-irtlstlc dressmaker be-hind their ejfbrts. Wherever the cos-tume was complete In Its daring andshowed the hand of a msster-worlier,1It was undoubtedly d t & destablishment but

~ made at a - (food, __. the: suggestion

surely emanated from the brain oft h e p o s s e s s o r . • • • • • " - ' ; . ; • • • ; • - •••._>:•. • ; \ . . .

' Much that • was traditional wasthrown to the winds. The. extraordi-

Inary influx of cotton-fabrics In thecity streets Is a-point "of Importance.Tbe combination of a sand skirt witha dark green velveteen jacket'trim-med with sUver buttons. Is a phan-tasy that was brought out by some•mart' w«niis«''|n:tlibj;eolBitty»V-.1.'i:;v '"

T*e • fashion-X'at^Oreaiing ••- broad-brimmed, straw sailor hats In black

^t t l eBv i i^

toched to an elastic band that goesaround the waist and are fastened upthe front with pearl or colored button*,.(toe con wear a white turnover collar,but the smart thing Is to keep tbe col-lar of the fabric(Coprrlcht, 1*17, by the McClure Kswspa-" , • per Byndlrtte.),

~ T ~ BEAUTY HINTSOne ought to make a habit of rinsing

the mouth with a good mouth washone or moie times a day. This wll(keep the gums la a healthy conditionand sweeten the breath.- — ' —

The eyes are of such prime Impor*tnnce that It Is strange more atten-tion Is nofcglven to them. -

A bath of tepid water given throughtbe eyeglass, will tend to freshen andstrengthen th dfll

was light In comparison with'the sinswhich provoked.lt

2. Supplication (v. 12). Manasseb•had.the.good sense to cry out to Godin this condition, It Is the unmistak-able evidence that God's chastiiementIs accomplishing Its purpose. We areinstructed In James 6:18 in time of af-fllctiomtb pray.

3. Humility (v. 12). This Is a com-mon characteristic of penitent soul*.Those who come under the hand ofOod always recognise It In their hum-ble walk. -

4. Forgiveness (v. 18). As soon a*God sees the signs of penitence, heturns in mercy" to the penitent andgrant* absolution for sin. No one

. any price for all toilet purposes.Free sample each by mall .wltli Book.

Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept L,Boston. Sold, everywhere.—Adv.

• Let Us Weep. •Fnther was Htern-loukliiff, and—n

frown gathered somewhere round hl»mouth and advanced nil along thewestern front until it'was barred1 byn line of trenches oh his forehead,when his son stood In. his presence.

• • "My lad," shld fnther, grimly, "Mrs.Smith, from next door tells me thatfour of her windows are. broken. 8heIsn't sure whether you have done- it, Ior whether the. culprit Is her son. Now, |

_ for our ~ » u - u > j n i nopuei

DOMESTIC ELECTRICCOMPANY.Inc60 Park PI, New York or J. S. SNYDER,824 N. Broad Strert, PhiUd.Iphia, Pa.

then, did you do it or not?"The sbade of George Washington

got Into the room, somehow, regard-less of tbe enemy aliens act, and Wil-liam answered:

"Father! I did It I cannot lie." ,"No." said father, as lie tucked^up

his sleeve, with ghoulish: delight, "nnd''yon won't be.able to sit'either by thetime I'm done with you."—London

iwnmiawta' tor dathaa stop*pelvic catarrh, olemtioa sad bflaa»

.matJoo. Beeoniaiwidwl by Lydla E.Ptaitham M«L Co. fsr. tea year*.AkMlbwweD.W for sWaal catarra,aora threat aad son ayw. EcaaweaicaL



brimmed, straw sailor hats in blackor tun, with changing scarfs wrappedabout the crown, was started at fasbAIbnaiicountry dob*.and baa'won

— ,„_«, . .~ . . r . i W MCHJVU uxrastrengthen'them wonderfully after ahar^dayrsworfc; '= :« [•••' .;;?' ^Vv

If. the eyes become Inflamed there areseveral: soothing remedies' which may

I 'be easily made, and "Will help: reduce1 th> Inflnmniation. ) ' •s;"^:%:^'>^&

S;j ©s^itriped Dane* Frdefct ;*©^-Bayadere stripe* will be the Oinf

for J ^ t ' d a i H ^ frocks next season.-,ThejywUi;b^lnMdesfar;>toeSy«B»l*1t'women and girls of the Jardinere

Deeds to wait long to receive bis for-giveness. • •.;••?• • • : / . • - ? - •,• •

6. Ill* kingdom restored (v. 13).Monas». * ijiot only was forgiven, buthe was actually restored to bis' king-dom. - Those who truly repent Oodwill not only forgive, but he. will re-store (Psa. 82:3-6). . ' • —.

0. Apprehension of God (v. 13)..Through this experience; Manasaehcame to know Ood. : - '. IV. ! Manasaah'* Reformation , (rr.14-20) Maiiasaeh was not 'contentwith merely receiving Ood's forgive-ness and: restoration tp his kingdom,but he "sought so far sa poislble toundo the miscfilef which he had done.1

1. He strengthened the fortificationsof Jerusalem, so ai to make AIs peo-ple iwfe from the attack of a foreign[fW ;(#^^i:|MlHJ^^aMi«SS;3t»-

HejremovedtheldoU from the

t\tr Opinion.First Pnlnter—I've Just been show-

ing my aunt round. Most amusing.Invariably picks out the wrong pic-tures to admire and denounces th

|,good ones.8econd Fainter—Did she say any-

thing, about mine}First Painter—Oh, she likes you/ ,

The.furnaces of nn Atlantic linerwill consume no less than 7,600,000 cu-ble feet of air an hour.

Adversity sometimes brings out amap's good points—by the roots.

Kino Edward's Little Needa.Many IdtercsUng: reminiscences of

famous people are given by Mr. V.TownsemK Martin In "Things I He-member."

Referring to the late King Edward,t h e a u t h o r says : • • • ' *)

"Lady Barton once, told me an am ow-ing Incident which occurred when thelate King : Edward - stayed at Glen-.quolch.

"'I hope, sir, that you have foundeverything to your liking?" she said"to the royal visitor.

"Tes,' answered the king;, 'but IfI may make a suggestion, one littlething would, add greatly to the com-fort of your guests.'

•"Oh, sir, what can that be?;" 'Well/ Lady Burton,' said his ma-

jesty, the one thing needful Is a hookon the bathroom door.'"

POSTTOASTIESare the newest andbest in comHakes'

How Sad.Bess—Poor Grace! Her husband-

died of cigarettes Just as she had al-most enough coupons for a vanity box.

"Know thyself," says tbe philos-opher. Tes, but who Is to Introduceus?

l w u ou n o n b u s b he v f x r FtJRSTFCTRSCRANgQRD, UNION N, /., THURSDAY.William D^ADFRmHEAT McKfe, of 13 Enatman „-l'.,«f«J'#845 1 years, dropped dsad-from —t«si i^'»'x.hsustl93;-^~yesti'rd*y - [PDF Document] (8)

I f i

Town - Jottings, Tha Aeolian factory closed for. the

•fltrnpon yesterday, owing Jo lb«IPtoBM beat. ~ „

> Nre. William Pdek will nova Jntoher now boot* In flampton street,this week.

MlM Elaine Wempls, of N. Unionavenue, la visiting In Springflald,Mui .

the Atatska Tamil* Club bald anouting on Tuesday1 availing,' to Olym-pic Park.

Mr*. A. ^ . Addlaon la visitingMrs.. O. C. Wilton, of Hampton

. straet.Uttar Carrier. AlfreJ Lane and

family of Ella* street, are enjoyinga vacation at Aabury'Park.

F. S. Peer of Osceols Farm ,ia inGuernsey,. England, buying cattle forthe fall "sal* to. ba held In CrsnfordIn September,

Mr* Philip W. Hall, of .229 Ore-hard (treet, .and family, left on Tues-day for the Catskllls. ;

Mr and Mra., I. T. Rtvea, 'ofOrange avenue, entertained Mr, and

Mrs. Claad*) Bsvas and daughter,Elisabeth, over tba week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Folk, 01Springfield avenue,-^ spent the week-•cd at Manaaqoan. .•

The Topplr Tilts tea room' andgift shop, of Westfield, will beclosed daring the month of August

Sidney Smith baa aec.pted a posi-tion in tha Machine shop of tbe Aeo-lian factory at Garwood.

Mrs, Chester H.Brlgga and daugh-ter, of 16 Barkelay plaet, have re-1

turned from Asbury Park, where they1

spent a week.• Miss Letty Msthewa, of Brooklyn,

hss been visiting her brother. T W.Mathews, of 8s (VV South avenue.

JUST LANDEDare some of tbe finest Fish,.. Fish-

"u~fnjgf*DM"fsTUanYheraTousas soon ascaught, and » « vfte> f lT \v )ffirr<"ffOUR HSlfSTRICTLY FRESHfor you. Reduce, the cost of livingby serving wholesome, nutritiousFish to your family.Flesh Sea Food also our specialty.


I. MILCHAvenue. Cranford

flev. E..S. Morey left today forLake Winnepiankee. N. H., to begone six we k».

Mlaa Mabel Hcaron, of Hamiltonivenue, ' la spending her vacationitb her grandparents, in New YorkLetter H. Tool, of Walnut avenuu

ill leave on Sunday for Harriaburg,a , to Walt relative! for a few

weeks.Ray Colllna. of E. North av.mie,

ae been appointed asalstant salemanager of the Packard Motor CarCo.,' with headquarters in HartfordConn., He.will leave Cranford nesMonday, to take up bia new duHea

Francis Hansel,' apent Surda;visiting hia parents, Mr. and MraCharles Haniel, of ! SpringfHd avenue.. Mra. N. P. Stewart and Milt Mar-tha Stewart, of Orchard atreet, areaperding a vacation at Asbury Park

William Burke and family, ofSpringfield avenue, are on a visit JoBridgeion.

Mia. I.." Uaalng, of Springfieldavenue,, ia- spending- *~we»sr-i*f OWn1


straet, is at a girla' c m p . In Penn-sylvania, where tha will spend tberemalnder^of the sunimer.

Mrs. J .B. Kepner and son, David,will sperd the remainder of thesummer at Spring Lake. '

Mr and Mra. Waldo S. Kendall,of N. Union avenue, have returnedfrom Woodshol*. Mass., sfter a threeweeks' vacation.

A fishing patty, composed of J


Now in Progress

Greatest Sale_ of

Summer Clothing$ $ ! P 'mi $15°°

Palm Beaches, Cool Cloths, all-woolCrashes, Homespuns and Mohairs.

Extraordinary values—enormous variety.

M im*r*?t&mmitmtt»rmiii—*atf *) •regors'" Bre«4 M Lafayette Street, Newark

Dickinson, Harry Dill. C; CaiHoy, Owner* esught 118 wepkBabanderokere at Baroegst last Friday.] ! }

Mrs.»'Victor; A." Hongerford.vifElm street* Is spending her' vacation

Mrs. G. . M i Headrlcks and sonPaul, are spending a- vacation at At-lantic Highlands. ~ - - — - . - :

Winthrop Hall, of Orchard, street,haa returned-from a month's vacationat Camp Wawayanda.

Miss'. Fannie Diamond, 'of. Walnutavenue,' has returned „ from a visit atNe>burg,- N. Y;"

J. A. 'Schweitzer and family *fWashington, place, are on a lea daja'trip to Connecticut..

E. H. Van Wyek'and fstnily. of110 Prospect avenue, have taken alottage at Chelae*, N. ) . , tot thelalance of the summer.

Mfss Elisabeth -MeFadden, ofSpruce street, entertained Mis* Ba-sel Llppsiy, oft Bay Ridge, ovfr theweek-end.-

Edwsrd S. Crane, who has been ill'or some time, la slowly improving.

A dinner dance was held at thrGolf Club laat Saturday eyenlng.

Ed'M.irris, who ba« b:en in Beau-mont.Texas. for the laat few monthshas gone to Newport. Va.

Mr. and Mra. N. R'. Foster, ofBerkeley place, are maki <g a trip toNiagara, in their car. They expectto be gone two weeks. - .

Theodore Bradley b'a accepted aposition with tha-Lyman Hooker li-ihin New York.

Miaa .Marian Humphrey, of E.North avenue, has returned from 'ashort vscat'on spent with friends inNswark.

The Misa.s Htlen ai.d Grace Morrisof W. South avBi u', have gone toGayl -rdsvllle. Conn . for two weeks.

R v. and Mrs. E. S M rey. ofOaeeola Farm,entertained MrB. ColosHull, of Kind rhook. N. Y., uver

itrett, formerly with thrFiuit Sttinshlp Company, it


th,e quartertnasUr'e department. NewYprk, doing transport work. . r

Miaa Katharine Warner of Walcnt•veoue, ia entirtaining Miss Mar-

By HOPE AINSLIE.One of those woolen fascinator* that

set of.bone-dlsbea of tbe same date of>mI • j usefulness, an amber ot dilapidated

AliMMurieScIiulfirofOlenltidgohasi umbrellas, bandboxes full of old hatsIx-en visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. «'. Al-'I rich of ("out nil avenue.

Mrs. Mary L. Torbush of Orchard

and pieces of hats.' saucers withoutany cups and cups .without any sau-cers. and a motley collection of out-

' hiHtret't spent tho week-end with her sis-ter, Mrs. S. A. Brown, of Neuburgh,N. Y.

MiHS llelaft Oiiriinjr of 200 fiiwtNorth arfmue is eutmainintr. MianItuth Davis of (iconn'n.

Alan C. Plume is home uftcr a va-L-iilion spent at- Itosror, N. Y. "

itoy Murgnnof Brooklyn, spent thoHIM*-end with his sister, Mn>. E. L.Hp(loulH>rg,jr.


D. Townsend.ths Outlook,


MiTOWlis«nd"are spending iholr vacationat Antrim. New Hampshire.

Mr. and Mrs, Frank T. SI an arein Maine for a sojourn.

Waldo B. Koaenerapls andof Maple place, -areSabael, N. Y

L. W. Naylorl

familysummering - at

eiVtary nf theKenilworMi'. Realty q.^rporation. who

ith Mrs. NayloV is spending thesummer st Hsnipton Hall, has juitrecaived a new roadster. Give himroom, y'• *

George W. Hedenberg and family,of Willow street, are spending thesummer at CenteriMorlehea. t. I. .

The lunch wagon formerly at Snathavenue, haa been, removed to Dover.

Mr and' Mrs, Clarence Oldham,of Holly1 street, are enjoying thefrvacation at Ocean Grove. '

Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Dovio, of Al-den street, have returmd from avisit in Masaachusetts.

Albert L. Kennelly and family, ofHolly arteet, are sp?ndlng~ the sum-mer at Menaupant. Masa. .

Mr and Mrs. W. D. Keel, of Wai-nut avenue, spent the week-end inPhiladelphia.

Mr. and Mra. Richard Doyle, ofBurchfleld street, have returned froma vacation at Danville,.

Letter Carrier Grube is spendingis vacation at'Atlantic Highland*.

The meetings of the Cranford BoyScouta have been dlacontlnued untilSeptember.

Rev. George F. Gre-ne D. D ,paator of the Presbyterian Church,left on Monday for'Greenwich, Conn,where bis family are Bummeflnu. He

III return early in Septenb r.Mr. and Mrs. J. Leo Sauer, of

Mden streets entertained the letter'smcle, Arthur Colllr a, of New York,iver the week-end.

.Patrolman, James Hennessey -hasreturned from his vacation. •

Victor A. Hungerford. of Elm.


THE WEATHER.As we beat It from the winter

thrpugh the spring to summer'*sun, as we brush the gentlebreezes from tha courses as werun, we experience discomfort,cling around the lectric fan.

'. and we plainly show we're outof sorts, don't like the weatherman. for the cold pf winterputs us on the hummer, putaus wrong, andt for Springtimewith it'a freshets and Its flood*we're never strong; and the tollis sometimes chilly and is some-times mighty hot, so as seasons?come and go and come again

•we like them not There's noweather that can satisfy, no sea-son that Is right, tot we pulltbe shades and shutters, dos-ing out the rays" of light; sit-ting in our dungeon quarters,

..with- no entrance -to^om—room;—In our studio of horrors. In ourwretched hut ot gloom. With

=ttWf-mlM«r fnouir whiskers andthe buzzards on our trails we'rea woeful lot of rummies withour troubles by the bale; andwell have them; they'll be withus till we open .up the door, tillas alstera and as brothers should,wo hike, for 'yonder shore.

of-date men's and women'* clothing-such waa tbe-array of article* thatMolly Bergen fodnd Jn the living roomone cool morning in November whenabe returned from her uaual trip totbe village.

"Whatever on* earth"—-she begStn,g ,pulifng off her gloves aad slipping outof her sport coat

Hei,:mother ..anticipated her ques-tion. - Those are for. the rummagesale for. the benoflt of the old people'home." Mra. Bergen was sitting ather desk laboriously robbing. thenames off from Christmas and Easterand other seasonal cards. "I'm getting these cards ready, too. I've savedthem ever since before yon were born.

I There are many hundreds of themI and most of them I can nsa. We canlaeil them for five for %-^ent. -Someone will.want to buy them,'

Molly drew her cialr to tBe openfireplace and stretched out her. hands

.to the bl»xe.,v "Havo you 'heard theWewa, mother r she asked' by way ofannouncing that there jras news totelL "The Stanleys' houae Is openedagain. Tea, It la Tom Stanley,think, though I know you don't1 agree'with me when I say that he U quitethe best, looking man that I ever saw.I know what you are going to say.You're going to say that It isn't be-coming for a young, eligible girl tomake eompUmentary remarks likethat about men—you weren't going tosay It Just that way; but that wouldhare, been the gist ot ty. But really

^ p H the staple luncheon h?maged around the attio for tha JS?Uedbook. and clothe* H, « ttltready, In m large basket that "J

tt waa when


, , Yea, we Iqve the movies nix,we can't enjoy them, it's a lineof stuff 'for which we cannotfall, we're a funny kind of manto not be a movie fan, but we'rehe who hops not hence at. fil-lums call. We're the guy thatstays. • at home and shoos thechickens, that assemble wherethe taters ought to grow, givesthe cats "their milk and toast,we're tbe big swjft toovjrgghost, that Is always seen aboutwith apade and hoe; that speedsup the lawn mower in the earlymorning, that Is manicuringshrubs and trees and grass,looking after all or such; moviestuff for us, not much, when Itcornea to dope like that.list usto pass. But, ah me, our klddofan. coaxed us one «i«nlng, toattend a Tillle's whatsit flllumsplurge, Bow we're absolutelynuts, home for ns no figure cuts,we have canned the overallsand donned the serge. Yes, weare about the stuff now simply

; batty, nothing haa a chance but'goods thrown on the screen, we

can laugh and sob and wail,when they slip to ua a wL .e,when, the action comes too fasti r e - ' I o o s eour bcian.

"frank"a6out"tiiO8«rtiiiigs nowadays.'"I wasn't going to say that at all,'

sasurod the mother. -• "I'm sure Mr?

wmmmComing Attractions at Cranford Theatre



JACK PICKFORDin "The Oirl at Home."

The two stars are at their best in thia produc-tion The story ot youth- a tale of tbe tiiiie whenlove is young and aweet and charming

Mack Sean*ttJ&msdr=3-rcela--^•KncKe<Hn~t!ie Finish"starring Ford Sterling and JJay Trfutmau

FANNIE WARDin "For the Defense." „ \

Mlas Ward appear* as a petite French girl who,coming to this country, as a atnager.-is throwninto the midst of a great tragedy. ' It is a rtory of.

. gnat anspenae from beginning lo.end. ,Burton Holmes Travel Picture—"The Laud of

" - , . ' BvangeUne", ,Bray Cartoon— Always clever - ..


DOUGLAS FAIRBAN S .•• in /'In Again--Out Again" .One of the most, popular actor* of the day, in a

play within kecpiug with all the productionsi n w n J j L b i l r f i ^in

-Big-Show ,


The Magazine on the Screen

TUBSDATT R M I S - N O A d n i i c * la Prlcoa

DOROTHY -DALTONin "Flame of the Yukon"

A pla/that all should seefInteresting to a l l -young and old. Full of thrilling, scenes <*-'

,K*Tston*Komady--'<A Janitor's Vengeance1' "W C O H U O A T * - , • <. • . ' - ' , . >

, A;<MARIEpORO • I"•' infi»*Heart'8 Desire" . V >',-.

Marfcltorotabrenaeen Immany'verrMtereMirfg J?A*ESS5i?ffwr.taf *»J*-?*F*' to Wee? C t l

' ATTORNEY BROWN.He skidded In as the train

slacked up, at a country cross-road* town, strolled up theaisle of the flrstchiss coach..stroUed up and, then strolled

-down; he wore a large hlglrol-ored rose in the lapel of ° hiacoat, as he meandered back andforth, right there with the back

._wooda_goat-At last he lit near:a guy he knew in the years off"

- long ago, draped the frame hetoted right near poor him.cleared the deck for a three-reel show; he. waa some spieler'

T_aa the craak^he-turned.-hocould hit Jer up. by Jove, hetalked of the war. and or poll-

;tlcs, that ataff right home-he.drove, he. sympathised with our

faoldler dead;' praised,the vet-,erans *ttH alive, the sob stuffhe .could .watt and yawn, and

i,.hls atioug,stuff hid some drive.JtWe1!, a bng^from 'WopperinguOfrlta,1* said one. ,"heV a nut."•f. another •aldW.'yovYa'.both Ia

saloVa *al of his. t-that,ha*,got some head, he'a At-

Stanley ia Very, handsome, but don'tImagine for a minute that the,'heir tothat large. fortune. la going to be onelittle bit Interested In a little countrymouse like you.'

I'm not a country onouse at alLT been awaV to boarding

school? Anyway, I've met.that Stan-ley; man and he's. fine. His cousin wasat boarding school—-not that be caredsit all for.her. . She was engaged attbe time. He dropped'around to seeher once or iwlce. I met him.-' Butwhat were you going to s a y r . .

"Simply that your remark gave mean Uea that I might telephone therefor a bundle of rummage. I am surethey have plenty or old things thatthey don't want that would sell varye a s i l y . " ; •* ; . : , . •.:•..•" . ' ; • • •

""No one is there but old Tom andthe man who drive* his car.- Old-manhates the country. Son adores I tHe's making the old house a head-quarters for a bunting trip. Just getsin the Tillage on the eleven-seven andstarts out hunting again this after,noon. That's what the village gossipsa a y . - - ; ' . ; : - "-. ' • • ; •.••-

Before Molly had finished, Mrs. Ber-gen had picked up her desk* phone toget Into communication with the Stan-ley house. Her voice Was .sweetnesspersonified when she.spoke. • '

"Mr* Stanley, excuse me for <phon-uut the minute you arrived, but we aregiving a rummage sale, beginning thisafternoon, for the benefit—" and soshe went on with her honeyed wordsof explanation.

As a matter of fact, (he telephoneboll had been ringing when Stanleyarrived .at, the._house. -..Torn • haddropped the armful of paraphernaliathat he hsd with him on the frontporch to hurry in to answer the calLThere waa a chance that It waa Impor-tant business new*.from New York.Meantime bis ono-time chaulfeur, whowaa active as chief cook and bottle-washer and boon companion on .theproposed hunting trip, had stopped atthe village for provision* and Tom had

! dismissed the station taxi| T m sure I can dig np something.

Old book* we have lots of," Tom saidI over the phone. "And I have a trunk

M l of old clothes somewhere. I l lget my man to bunt them up. Noth-ing very wonderful, or course, for wehave to wear our clothes till they areworn out. but perhaps, they will besalable for a few cents. I reallywouldn't dare to give you anythingfrom around the'house, though I am


^ g o M o u tStanley should stfll be In her Z£L

i a d warned her, "Just pick up the b idie from tha veranda, and com . i J *Too know how people would talk iithey aaw yon going into his h j

An "hour, later, Stanley,missed* the. sound of rioi«y's light too?stop* on the Teraadaand giving i»hope of seeing her, started off for hbtrip,to the hunting club. Onthevo!anda, he looked for the bundle >•had left there hurriedly when h. «tered the house In the moxning. i.contained a new fur motor coat, minklined;" two- sleeping rugs, buntte.boots, oilskins, half a dozen new boolufresh from the printers, and two ansteamer rugs—In short, his entire out,fit outside of provisions and arms. H«though^ perhaps ha had left then isthe station taxi, but a trip of bis mhto the sUUon and his own recollectionot having Ufted the bundle from thetaxi convinced him this was not Uicase... Perhaps his man bad taken thethings' indoors for safekeeping; buton Inquiry and patient searching Ufound this was not so., •

After passing a half hour in doubt,he suddenly recalled that somethlnihad been said about UoUy Bergen tak-ing a package left on the veranda.That cleared the matter. He wouldtelephone to the Bergena at once, otcourse they would have seen the all-take. . It would be easy to explain.

But no one waa home but the cook"Sure 'nuft Hiss Bergen and MM

Molly done gone to the scrubbage ails,Yaaaar, been gone all afternoon. No,sir, there's no telephone there. It'iat the oldJiay-bann»«»« Smithand the Smith place done, burneddown, so there's no telephone•nBltheT."'.1"""""'".":,'"".~~—~—^—

It was nearly live and Tom was jutgetting ready to start out In. person tothe "hay tarn" of the Smith farm.wherever that might be, when tl»phone rang at hia side. It was MnBergen's sweetest .Totee,^--'- ' ~

"I Just'took at chance at finding yoahome. I thought maybe it would bacold lor, yon to start out thia after-noon. I> must thank, you. Such bead-tlful things I never saw. Why, It wuonly about, ten minutes before theywere all sold. And such high prices,tool We actually got twenty dollarafor that cost—7 Tom had paid eightyf o r i t k week before—'-and the bootamy daughter was glad to buy. Onewould hardly know they: had beenreed—" As a matter of fact the leartahad not even been cut "And the rapand the blankets and everything wensimply splendid. I can never thankyou enough for being %so Interested hiour old people's home. They reallrmade my little offerings look quitsshabby. I had managed to get to-jgetber some Interesting antiques my-J -1self that sold pretty wen, but not sowell as your things. And, Mr. Stanley,If yon would care tp we should be da-jlighted: to have yon come to calL Tonare. all alone. Perhaps you would,share our simple family dhmer with

I . " ' - ' • ' • • • . - _ • ' " • • . ' • ' . . . . - • • ' • '

TH send flown the car for you atonce. No, I promise I won't have athing done for yon except to have anextra place laid. And Til tell you thatour waitress haa gone and we bareonly' a cook, so you know how simplywe shall dine." She didn't add thatthere had never been a waitress in theBergen household .and probably, nerer. ;

M " b ' "No sooner had she put down tha

telephone receiver, than she rushed tothe kitchen, her excited daughter whohad been listening to the conrenatirafollowing her. "Olive, for pity sake,"she said, addressing the cook, "open slarge can of bouillon and some olives.And If yon-hive time make tbe butterinto ball* and-get ont that bottle ofport that the grocer sent' by accidentwith the last order. -And, Molly, hnrrrand get out the best china, and lay anextra place at the table, and get downthe candlesticks and—and when yourfather cornea hi whisper to him thathe 1* to make no comments. Tell himnot to put hia foot in It the way he didthe last time we used the candles brasking If the electricity had beenturned ott^And, Olive, tie sure towear that cap I bought you tbe timethe minister dined with us. Molly,

next time she might discover that Ihad given away an the family heir-looms., i l l send mv man over withthe bundle." *

"Please dont bother." Mrs. Stanleyreplied. "I shall-be delighted to atop.You may be away on your Wp7 Inthat case, leave the bundle,on the

Mr. Stanley.-Ton night make :remark about the chaulfeur being m

or i l s day off or something If r°"think It would look better. Slip Intoyour little- blue mult before you co-r n wear my" black .moire. BefW-those Stanley* must bar* a great d»M_of money 4o be able to discard suca

And ba

W. J. Miller arJfork, have takenIt 7 Berkeley plaif


•ervice Sunday tniSunuay School

Wednesday evening8 O'clock,

ding room, Chupexcept Sunday10 to 12 a.m.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.